Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Great Applesauce Cake Experiment, Part Deux

Thank you all for your suggestions.

Tonight I adjusted the applesauce cake recipe passed on to me from my grandmother by way of my mother. The taste was much better, but the results left a bit to be desired.

I'm pretty sure the mistake this time was trying to "dust" the pan with powdered sugar instead of flour. All I can say is, "Don't." It seems the sugar made the cake stick to the pan. Still, all was not lost.

And I've wrapped the "good" part in plastic wrap to see what effect that has on the cake's moistness. I told Hubby he could unwrap it and take a piece to work for breakfast, but he demurred, saying he was getting a little tired of applesauce cake. Of course, as any wife would, I told him that if he loved me, he'd eat it anyway.

Here's a tip I can pass on though. Don't wear a black sweatshirt while baking. The results remind me somehow of Monica Lewinsky after a trip to the Oval Office. I wonder if she ever considered wearing an apron? I wonder if that's why French maids wear aprons?

Tomorrow the bake fest continues. I need about ten of these to turn out right by Saturday. Wish me luck!


  1. Applesauce Cake
    2 sticks margarine, melted
    2 1/2 cups sugar
    2 eggs
    2 2/3 cups flour
    2 teaspoons soda
    2 teaspoons cinnamon
    1 teaspoon ground cloves
    1/2 teasponn salt
    1 pint applesauce (2 cups)
    2 cups chopped pecans
    Mix in order given. Just use a wooden spoon! Bake in a greased and floured tube or Bundt pan at 300 degrees for 1 hour and 30 minutes. I have been using this recipe 45 years! Good Luck! Gwen in TX

  2. Oh how funny your blog read is today! Good luck on turning out your cakes.

  3. Oh Kim, you always make me laugh.... Good Luck...

  4. Well you never get anywhere without a few mistakes along the way. Those could turn into happy accidents.

    Good luck with the next batch!

  5. Kim, at least your mistakes pale in comparison to Monica's, snicker, snicker!

  6. I looked it up and historically that is exactly the reasons French maids wear aprons. Baking continues at my house as well. Pictures to follow on blog today. I still have faith in your baking ability. You're my hero so keep plugging away

  7. ROFLMAO - Oh my -- you really know how to paint a picture with words, don't you?
    'Scuse me while I go throw out every dark blue garment I own........

  8. I read this post out loud to my son and his face turned red!

    Good luck on getting these dones by Saturday.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!