Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"Call in the next 20 minutes . . .

because we can't do this all day." Can you identify the infomercial this line's from? Here's another clue: "Are you with me camera guy?"

I watch a LOT of cable TV channels while I quilt, and so I'm subjected to a lot of dumb commercials and infomercials. Some are much more annoying than others.

One of the attorneys in my office was talking the other day about a commercial his family saw for these:

Jay Leno's been making fun of these things for weeks now--and for good reason! Yep, I'm sure they're warm and convenient, but don't they kind of remind you of those backless hospital gowns--maybe in a Siberian hospital or something? Which makes me wonder: Are they wearing something UNDER those things or are they all just sitting nekkid on the upholstered furniture? Ick!

The attorney related that when his family saw the commercial, his wife looked at him and said, "Don't you dare! Don't even THINK about it!" (Kind of makes me wonder what kind of gifts he usually gets her!)

THIS is the one that really annoys me though--the one I gave you clues to--the one that sets my teeth on edge and makes me want to knock that silly headset off his spiky-haired head:

Sadly, Vince has a new commercial we're sure to see over and over again. Here's Vince with the Slap Chop:

I think if I could just slap chop Vince, I'd call in the next 20 minutes! And pay considerably more than $19.95. What's WITH that headset anyway?

What commercials and infomercials annoy you the most?


  1. Don't you love it when he says"Youre gonna love my nuts" hehehe
    Seriously. tho these are the same as the Pampered Chef choppers and I love Mine
    Marilynmckinnon@hotmail.com in Bc Canada

  2. I'm thinking you need to turn the radio on when sewing. Turn OFF the tv!!!

  3. I get a kick out of Vince "cause you know we can't do this all day!", but he's been "doing it" for 3 months now....

    I think most commercials annoy the stuffing out of me, to be honest, but the worst lately is for one of those discount haircut places...the one with the anorexic blond "dancing" around the room...in that silly sack dress...how does that advertise a haircut?

  4. I don't watch much TV, and don't have cable... so Vince was new to me (thankfully)! egads. Around here we get lots of Billy Mays and whatever he's hawking in his awesomely annoying one-volume voice.

  5. The car commercials where the guy is yelling the whole time!!! What is that about????? It just makes me want to change the channel.
    When once lived in a small town in Texas and there was a guy who owend one of the only appliance stores in town. He used to play big band music and pretend to dance with his dead wife. While he was pretending to dance he would yell out prices for ovens and refrigerators. CRAZY!!!

  6. I kind of feel sorry for "Vince". He probably went to Hollywood with dreams of becoming the next Brad and ended up selling ShamWows for a living...lol...which work fairly well by the way! :o)

  7. Would you believe that my hubby asked my DDIL when they were here if she would like one? They live in Colorado. So DS got ont the phone to order one for DIL and GS for collage.A half hour later he came out, wnat you get the one free BUT you pay another $7.95 postage for it. So will see haw great they are. Probably won't get them till spring when not needed. He mutes these things but sees them. Can't stand Vince.

  8. I must be the saddest person around...I'm ready to buy buy buy! Good thing they don't ship to the UK :o)

  9. When Billy Mays comes on the TV, Amelia tells me "Mama. Turn him off. He is too loud!" LOL. Makes me laugh every time.

    I can be a sucker for an infomercial so I try to stay away!

    Jen :)

  10. Can you even IMAGINE the dorks at the football game with those stuggleys....(we call them Stupid Uggleys here)... I LOVE the Slap Chop one...just WHO IS HE TALKING to with the headset??? LOL

  11. We were talking about this at mybrother's house over Christmas. Seems my SILs twin sister buys all this kind of crap. The sham wow ad came on as we were talking about it. Billy Mays is the one that drives me insane.

  12. Isn't the "we can't do this all day" from that Shamwow commercial? How funny is that, because they play that danged commercial five million times a day! That one drives me and my husband bonkers. What's with the guy wearing the headset in his ear anyway? Who's he talking to? LOL

  13. I love the one that says "do you wake up at night to go to the bathroom?" NO Buddy, I just wet the bed..what a silly question. I don't even know what kind of product/medicine they are advertising, but I laugh every time at that question... There used to be one for some kind of diet medicine that gave these horrible side effects, let me tell you after listening to that every night (at dinnertime) I didn't need diet pills. Zenacal, that was the name of it. ICK!
    Have a great day.

  14. I, too, have a Slap Chop thing by Pampered Chef. It looks almost EXACTLY the same - but it's bigger - it can chope more than one mean egg and pickle. LOL

    My daughter's GF got a snuggie, and now they all want one! But they are really icky fabric, and this girl couldn't even wrap the thing about her - it was that small! You'd have to be sitting down. Crazy.

  15. okay I had to henpeck a response to THIS! I get the freaken emails from this place too! Do they not look like MONKS in the red ones? seriously!
    I hate stupid commercials that are so obviously slanted but they think we are too stupid to know any better. Idiots!

  16. OMG! I anm sitting here giggling in my office! I love the 'your gonna love my nuts comment!' I keep cracking up!

  17. I have to admit that slap-chop thing is tempting... but I refuse to buy anything off an infomercial!

  18. My 16yo was looking over my shoulder while I played these going 'Oh Wow, Mum, Can we get one?' Obviously an advertisers dream audience!

  19. Whats his Billy Mays, needs to use his insde voice, he is always yelling.

  20. I guess you could just put your bathrobe on backward, same thing huh. Stupid!

  21. Those folks in this commercial look like a group of Monks sitting around the house...but everyone knows what a "Snuggie" REALLY is! LOL!!

  22. HEAD ON - apply directly to the forhead... I have something i would like to apply to their forheads... directly. I haven't seen the chopper yet but I don't have to love his nuts... lol
    You make me smile:)

  23. Pajamagrams! The only gift guaranteed to make women take off their clothes. Ugh. Could anything make women sound more stupid. Thankfully it's only on at Christmas and Valentines, but February is not too far off. Spare me!

  24. OMG He's AWFUL!

    The one that gets me is Billy Mayes. Why does he have to shout at me?

    Yep, that blanket (robe?) commercial is the pits. Why do so many advertisers try to sell their products by making people look stupid? I don't get it.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!