Tuesday, November 25, 2008


29 days until Christmas! ARGH!

I'm starting to feel the pressure a little--can you tell?!

It seems that most of today, I worked on quilting the large trees quilt. I finally got the binding attached, but I still have to hand sew it down--that will be a project for tomorrow. Along with cooking Thanksgiving dinner.

About the only other things I accomplished today were shampooing the carpets--just the traffic areas that were starting to show some spots--and doing a little dusting. Oh, and hard boiling some eggs--gotta have those to show off my new egg plate--and making spinach dip. Isn't it funny how these obligatory holiday favorites MUST BE MADE to avoid a family revolt? Tradition!

I forgot to tell you about the goofy thing I did the other day. After I got home from the quilt shop on Saturday, I hurried to pin the tree quilt. I normally set my tables up on the patio to pin quilts, so I needed to get it done before it started to get dark. After I finished and put everything away, I got ready to go grocery shopping, but I couldn't find my reading glasses. Anywhere! I looked and looked all over the house three or four times--no glasses! Hubby even hauled his lazy self out of the recliner where he was planted, watching sports of some type, to help look.

Finally, I retraced my steps--in detail. And, yes, I found my glasses--in the funniest place ever! I keep a plastic tool box full of quilting supplies, including the clips I use to hold quilts taut on the table when I pin. Just on a whim, I looked inside and there were my glasses! INSIDE the Ziploc bag that holds my clips, inside the tool box. How goofy is THAT?! I'm just amazed I found them at all! Hubby sure got a good laugh out of it, as you can imagine!

I took a couple quick photos of the quilt--just to prove I've really DONE something today and not just lounged around eating bonbons and reading quilting magazines on my first vacation day.

I still need to go back and add a little quilting inside the trees, but I'll do that tomorrow too--I don't think it will take long.

Tomorrow's going to be a busy day, and it's time for my beauty sleep, so I'll say goodnight. I'm glad you could stop by!


  1. I can't believe how much you get done...!! Hope the dinner goes well tomorrow!! the trees look great! I am sitting here being eaten by mosquitos as I type....ugh....summer....roll on winter I say...and summer isn't even officially here yet!

  2. The quilting looks terrific. I love the swirls. Makes me think of snow and wind and Santa on his sleigh!

  3. Your quilt is so cute and cheerful! I assume that you quilt on a regular sewing machine or should I say not a long arm is that correct? Does your machine have a stitch regulator? I agree with the prevouis poster that you do get a lot done. Your blog is the first one I read every morning as it is 5:30 am here. I wish are thrift stores had the goods that you find at yours. Take care

  4. Trees look great, but where is MY message for this morning?

  5. The trees look great! I've seen this pattern before and had no interest in making a big quilt but your littlelist one might just have inspired me to make a wallhanging!

  6. Nice job on the quilting Kim! Good choice for the quilt and your free motion is fantastic!

    Quite an accomplishment to clean the carpet AND get this quilting finished.

    I hope your Thankgiving dinner goes well. Enjoy time with the Wild Child and Soccer Boy!

  7. You get so much done -- you make me tired :)
    I lost my plastic mixing bowls yesterday. I got one out to bake and put the others away in the dog food cupboard (??!!) Took me a while to find them ...

  8. My goodness, I love the quilting on that quilt! It looks great.

  9. Okay, so not only do you make great quilts...but your quilting is gorgeous. The swirls are so perfect with the pattern!

  10. Whew! Lady, you amaze me! I love the trees - so cheerful! And catching up on your adventures is going to take me awhile. LOVE the new blog look!!!

  11. WOW! Your tree quilt looks great. I love the quilting. You have been very busy, no wonder you misplaced your glasses. I once put my glasses in the freezer. Thank goodness I found them before they froze.....LOL....Have a great Thanksgiving and happy sewing.

  12. Kim, the quilting really sets off those trees - beautiful! And I can't tell you how many times over the years I have hunted for my readers and found them in the strangest places! Now I have a pair in every possible place - purse, car, studio, office, kitchen, living room - well everywhere except the bathroom - LOL!! Cheers!

  13. The tree quilt is wonderful and the quilting really makes it. Good job!


  14. I love the way you quilted your tree quilt! Could you show how you quilted the pattern? I was trying to figure it out, is it continuous?

  15. Kim, the quilting is just perfect! I too would like to hear how you did that pattern. Do you quilt on a Juki?
    Please post your spinach dip recipe too. :D Happy Thanksgiving!
    Molly in Sumner, WA

  16. it looks great! I'm looking forward to what you do to the trees now. great colors, and great patterns on the fabric too.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. I love the quilting. Did you do that on a longarm or a regular machine? I would love to be able to do those swirls. I don't know how you get so much done and also have a job.

  18. Well done! Add me to the list of wanting to know how you did the quilting. Beautiful job!

  19. Love how the quilt turned out...and the swirls are fabulous! Great design I must try one day!

    I was almost waiting for you to say you pinned the glasses into the quilt!

  20. I, too, love the quilting on the tree quilt.

    I make seasonal quilts for my daughter, too. The two kids that live at home love all of my seasonal quilts. When my daughter moved out and got her own home, I had to start making seasonal quilts for her house!

    I,too, would like to know how you do the swirls with your Juki. Every time I see your quilting it makes me want to go grab my Juki and quilt! This time of year I get the urge to make something, but then I don't because I don't want to bother my quilter. It would be nice to get up enough courage to quilt my own stuff every once in a while.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!