Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Jo's Club Meeting That Sort of Wasn't

Today was the first Wednesday of the month, which meant Jo's Little Women Club was meeting tonight at Bearpaws and Hollyhocks. When I walked in, Lindy asked me what I had on my blog now. Hummm. Why? Turns out Donna Yackey, the designer of the Christmas List patterns, would rather fill orders through Lindy's shop, so I'll change the link for that pattern to direct you there rather than to Donna. If any of you are interested, you can call the shop or email Lindy and she'll take care of the rest.

The Waiting For Santa block is progressing nicely--I just need to add the letters and trim it up a bit. This really is a fun pattern!

I almost didn't go to Jo's Club tonight because I wasn't feeling well, but I sucked it up and went anyway--such sacrifices we make for our art! LOL! But I'm awfully glad I did.

Lindy's been running Jo's Club since it began, and Jo Morton designed the program to run six months at a time. On a few occasions, there have been a month or two "pause" between sections, and Lindy's always been good about letting us show up at the shop on the second Wednesday of the month anyway and finding us something to do each month until the next section arrives. This time, though, we've had a break of several months between sections, and although Lindy's found some good projects to keep us busy, she decided to also reward us for our loyalty by gifting us with a bundle of Jo Morton fat quarters tonight. (Darn cute ribbon with the shop's name too!)

What a wonderful surprise! I think we're awfully lucky to have a shop owner who treats her customers so well, don't you? So, although we didn't exactly have a Jo's Little Women Club meeting tonight, I don't think any of us minded one little bit!

Besides the fat quarter surprise, Lindy is running a couple sales. All of her Halloween fabrics and Halloween decorations are 50% off. And yes, as a matter of fact, I did find one or two little things that needed to come home with me! Although I didn't take a photo, I couldn't pass up a brown with white polka dot fabric from Maywood Studios. I don't know what it is about those polka dots, but they always seem to want to follow me home, so I really can't be blamed, can I?!

I knew Lindy was also running another sale--any fabric in the shop on the bolts for $8 a yard, half yard cuts minimum. I was in the shop a week or two ago and knew about the sale, but $8 a yard for fabric that's normally between something like $8.50 and $9.50 a yard didn't seem like a huge bargain until Lindy mentioned tonight that a woman had come in and got a wonderful deal on fabric that was normally around $15 a yard. Well, of course, that got me thinking. Yes, as a matter of fact, I DO need some fabric for quilt backs, so I took home this hunk of Moda Peace on Earth backing fabric. Backing fabric--from Moda--at $8 a yard!

I've been admiring this blue and brown woven plaid for awhile now. The colors are really soft and beautiful, but at $16 a yard and imported from Japan, I had been trying to ignore its Siren song. Ha! No longer do I need to ignore its call. The photo hardly does the fabric justice. Seriously yummy stuff!

Sometimes I think it would be nice to walk out of a quilt shop without buying anything, and you know what? No matter what good intentions I have going in, it seems I always fail. Tonight, though, failure hardly hurt at all!


  1. And it made you feel a whole lot better. LOL

  2. What a wonderful quilt shop night...your Santa block is looking great! Love that plaid!

  3. Now I'm jealous. I love that plaid. I have a nice collection of Japanese Daiwabo fabrics and just bought another piece this weekend on our bus trip (@ 20% off $15/yard). You got a better deal. I am struggling with purchasing that Christmas list Pattern. I am working on designing two blocks of the month for a local shop and need to get those done first but I want so badly to purchase that pattern. That shop sounds great and I love the Jo's club. Sounds like fun. I'm surprised that you didn't bring home lots more Halloween fabric.

  4. I think your santa quilt is going to be a hit! Great night for you.. hope you are feeling much better now.

  5. That santa is adorable. Good to hear that you had a good night at the quilt shop!

  6. Wow,you made out like a bandit. I bet you didn't even remember that you didn't feel well after you got home, huh? You're so lucky to have a Jo's Club so close to you.

  7. LOVE that plaid, Kim...what do you think you might make with it? Cheers!

  8. ahhhhh, and don't you feel better having bought the fabric? I've been staying away from the quilting store(s) but I will be heading to one Saturday for some christmas gift fabrics... Hopefully I stick to my list and ONLY my list!

    Jen :)

  9. Great buys!! You can always have good intentions another day!!

  10. I love the Japanese plaid reminds me of my Grandad's shirts. Great Jo Morton fat quarters. I would love to have that quilt shop in my neighborhood!

  11. Looking good! I love that background fabric you are using...very cool!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!