Friday, November 28, 2008

Got Time?

Whew! I've been working on Christmas decorating much of the day, and I'm a long way from done. You wouldn't THINK it would take so long, but it's really a good chance for me to do a little extra cleaning and rearranging in addition to the decorating, and then there's rummaging through the boxes of decorations, replacing strands of lights that no longer work, changing out bedding and wall quilts . . . . The list seems to keep going!

I've gotten the bedrooms pretty much done other than some touches of greenery and the little details I'll add in the next couple days, but the main elements are in place. The bathrooms--well, they're more or less done, although there's certainly not as much to do there. I still need to add a few details to those as well. Bits and pieces of the livingroom and kitchen are done, but those are the two rooms that get the most attention when it comes to decorating, so I have many more hours to go on those.

If you weren't reading my blog last Christmas, you may be surprised to learn that I like to have a decorated tree in the Sweat Shop. Yep, it's true. And right now, the Sweat Shop's in terrible condition and in desperate need of some cleaning out and reorganizing. I think you'd need a shoe horn to get a tree in there! (And, before you start visualizing a huge Christmas tree, I should tell you that the tree is an artificial pine that stands maybe about 4' tall.) So tonight I've been working on getting the Sweat Shop a little better organized.

Why is it that I sew and sew and sew but I don't seem to make a dent in the stash? Why does it seem to keep growing?! No, don't answer those questions. I'm in denial. Let's just pretend it's not my fault.

I haven't gotten very far on the reorganization yet, but I DID clean out my basket of patterns, so I thought I'd have a giveaway. Or several giveaways, actually. But we'll do them one at a time!

The reason I ask whether you've got time is because the first giveaway is for two Christmas-themed patterns. With Christmas just around the corner, you'll want to start making these right away. Or not--I think you have something like 390 days until Christmas 2009. So here are the two patterns:

Both from Pieces from My Heart--The Chosen Ones (somehow I bought two of these, so I'll be parting with one) and It's a Wrap. I made It's a Wrap last year, and it's quick to make. I think I had the quilt pieced and quilted in just a little more than a weekend. And here it is, hanging on the wall in one of the small bits and pieces of the kitchen that's mostly decorated:

So leave a comment on this post and tell me you want in the drawing for these two patterns. I'll pick a winner on Saturday night with the hope that I can get the winner's address on Sunday and mail them out on Monday. Good luck! Now it's back to the Sweat Shop for me.


  1. make me feel dizzy.....busy busy busy! I want to get my Christmas decorations out on the weekend....I was late getting them up last year....we have a competition at work for the best decorated office...I have one on my own pretty much so can do what I like...and the theme this year is Handmade!!! woo hoo....(and I didn't pick the theme!!) so I am looking forward to getting it all set up for the season...the judges have been known to be bribed before so will to do some baking when I know they are doing their judging!! the patterns look great...especially "its a wrap"....too one of my little mini holiday and i have done zilch....too tired!! LOL

  2. I love the pattern "It's a Wrap"....pick me, pick me!!! LOL

  3. I really like the Chose One...what a great pattern! Such fun...


  4. I love your blog. Read every post since I started subscribing to daily posts. Would love either of those patterns, Worked 12 hours today, boy am I tired,

  5. I really like The Chosen One. I hope you pick me.

    I also buy more than one sometimes. I don't know hao that happens!

    Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. I hope your daughter feels better soon.
    Chris in Sacramento

  6. Hello Kim, your decorations look always so cozy and inviting. I would love to have christmas patterns, I really love "It's a Wrap". Thank you also for yesterday´s explanation on machine quilting. I am somehow "scared" to try it on my machine, so hopefully I will. Have a nice weekend,
    Jana in Finland

  7. WOW. You are a go get her. Did I spell that right?
    I think I sew alot . I even stitch alot. I wish you lived in san diego . The girls at the country loft would love you.
    Pick me.

  8. I love that quilt its a wrap and I remember when you showed it last year , its adorable, would love to make it for our home....
    the reindeers area great too, would make another great wallhaning in our home.
    Love your new background on your blog


  9. The very thought of going down in the basement to get my Christmas stuff out wears me out! Sounds like you have a good jump on all the decorating. I would like to be entered into your drawing. They both look like fun patterns.

  10. I just know that I could get these made for ...or maybe the one after. But I sure would like to try so would love to be entered. Thanks.

  11. I'd love to be included in this one since I like both patterns.

    Looks like I like anything from Pieces of My Heart - just got the tree pattern a couple of days ago.


  12. ""Why is it that I sew and sew and sew but I don't seem to make a dent in the stash? Why does it seem to keep growing?! No, don't answer those questions. I'm in denial. Let's just pretend it's not my fault. (KIM)""

    I can tell you my reasoning-it is simple--I help at a quilt shop and I am usually there when the new stuff comes in, too! That is my excuse and I am sticking to it!! Please dont stick me in the drawing--give them to someone that might actually get ONE done :o))
    LOVE the quilt you used the thimbleberries IN AS THE BORDER... was that a pattern or did you do that all by yourself?
    well, anyway---you sound just like me--I need to read here more often! *~*CAROLE*~*

  13. Both patterns look wonderful, I am in awe of your decorating ferver. I barely got hrough Thanksgiving decorating and I'm not starting any of the Christmas decorating until this weekend.
    Please throw my name in the hat and thanks for sharing.
    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  14. I decorated for Christmas 2 weeks ago, my 7 year old squaked because we hadn't had thanksgiving yet...but I decorated anyhow. I love Christmas! I'd like to be in the drawing. I especially like "it's a wrap'! Thanks

  15. The patterns are adorable and it looks so cute hanging on your wall. Would luv the chance to win.
    Please throw my name in the bucket and thank you

  16. Would love to be in your draw. I cant decorate this Christmas as we are going away. but I think I could handle a new little quilt for next year's decorations.
    Hugs Lynn

  17. Please enter me in your giveway for those lovely patterns.

  18. I like the It's a Wrap. I can't believe that you even put a tree in your sweat shop! I decided that since I don't have any visitors, I don't put up Christmas at my house. It's just easier and the dogs don't mind. It also gives me more time to sew and quilt! :)

  19. Anything by Pieces from My Heart wins my heart. I'd love to be in the drawing.


  20. The Chosen One is so cute - would love to win it. And that little tree quilt under the bread box is adorable.

  21. Love all that you do. You inspire so many of us. Please enter me in the drawing.

    Wendy in Iowa

  22. Oh how sweet of you to have a giveaway. With the flu bug making its way through my house, Christmas isn't even on my mind yet. I love the It's a Wrap pattern.... was looking last year and didn't get it.

    Would love to see pics of all your decorating when you are done!


  23. Whoo-hoo -- I'd even clean my sewing room and find the sewing machine for those! Pick me!

  24. Please enter me in your drawing. Love your blog.

  25. Hi Kim
    Please count me in for your drawing!! I went to the Mctavish website and was so suprised to see she is up in Duluth which is about 2 hours away from me. I am definitely going to try to take a class from her sometime soon. Thanks
    in cold Minnesota

  26. I just love your blog as well as your decorating skill! I would just love to have your that "chosen ones" and the "it's a wrap is adorable! Can you Pick me, pick me?!

  27. Ha -- you're still busy!
    I'd LOVE to win The Chosen One.
    Thanks ~ Jeanne :)

  28. love reading your blog and would love to win either pattern so please enter me in the draw,

  29. Well, you sure can work fast! I have Marice's tree quilt out and a few others but that's it for decorating so far! If I had the room, I'd put my 3 ft hot pink tree in the sewing room, but no room.

    Please add me to the drawing for the patterns! Love them both!

  30. Love reading your blog, and my question is--Where do you get all your energy? I'm hooked on caffeine, but still don't come close to what you accomplish. Also, thanks for showing your quilting--I have the McTavishing book, and a half dozen others--I just need to force myself to practice. Please enter me in the drawing.

  31. 390 days? Phew... that's a load off of my mind. :D

    I do like the "It's a wrap!" pattern.

  32. Oh, pick me!!!! I love both of the patterns! I do remember how fast you were on that It's a Wrap quilt. It looks great in your kitchen, too.

  33. Kim,
    As always you have out done yourself. I love seeing what is new on your Blog. It's a wrap is a lovely pattern. Maybe I'll win. LOL I just bought the Pepperment Twist Pattern. Oh my I may need your help. Thanks for all your great ideas. Marylin Tucker in QH group.

  34. I want to paint a train and make tamales. Can I win something now?

  35. Oh, Pick me!! These don't look like those horrible stack and slash patterns so I can do these!!

    (if they are stack/slash I will do a giveaway on my blog cause I won't drive myself crazy doing them, LOL)

  36. Love both patterns! I start my morning by reading your blog. I don't know how you get so much done?
    Nancy E

  37. Hi Kim,I love reading the blogs from all the North American quilters. In Australia we don't celebrate the holidays in quite the same way -because it's Summer here already and we are trying to keep cool. Our Christmas Day meal is a cold feast with loads of salads followed by a dip in the pool. However,I am a dedicated quilter who will sit and sew no matter what the weather and would very much appreciate winning these 2 patterns to help decorate my Christmas home. Best Wishes - Nola

  38. What a cute couple of quilts. I'd love to make the "It's a Wrap" Please enter me in your giveaway. thanks...Joyce
    joycee2561 at yahoo dot com

  39. Hi Kim, my hubby loves your decorating style - especially Christmas! He says his mother used to decorate everything including the doorknobs at Christmas! She's been gone for many years, but seeing what you do gives him lots of good memories! Cheers!

  40. I'm still working on Christmas things I started 5 years ago! But please enter me in your give-away anyway! I know I could get it done for some Christmas in the future!

  41. Oh oh pick me pick me I would love to get a fun new pattern!!

  42. Please enter me in your drawing. I have loved that quilt since you made it last Christmas.


  43. Well, Kim--I never win anything, but I would like to give it a try---again LOL ;.).

  44. Reindeer reindeer! I see reindeer! Count me in please o please?!?

  45. I really do love the reindeer pattern. We are going to do our decorating a little at a time. Maybe that will be easier.

  46. Well, you are looking good - with all your halls decked out!

    My daughter-in-heart and I are sitting here sewing little cloth books. Today we went to my favorite quilt shop - Bearpaws and Hollyhocks to pick up the Christmas tree pattern and all the Christmas fabric to make it up in the colours that she likes. On top of the fun we had all the Christmas fabric was 40% off! Thank you for inspiring me to make it up, and no it is not for this Christmas :).

    Thanks for the opportunity on your drawing. I will pass on the drawing since I know that I am over my eyeballs with the Christmas Tree pattern.


  47. Please count me in. I would love to have the patterns, although I doubt I could complete the quilt in a weekend like you do.

  48. Hi Kim!
    I love your blog and follow it almost daily! I'm a self taught beginning quilter and would love to win your two patterns. Please put my name in your drawing.

  49. I'd love to win the "It's a Wrap" pattern. Yours is very cute. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your decorating.

  50. Hi Kim! Please enter me in your giveaway. Loved the present quilt back when you first blogged about yours.

    Hugs, Beth in AL
    bhambeth (at) gmail (dot) com
