Thursday, October 23, 2008

Stuff to Make

A couple of you sent me PDF files for projects, and I've added the links to the Wee Gifties list. To do this, I've uploaded the PDF files for the Quilted Card Wallet and the Wine Bottle Vests to a public storage site, so if you click on those links, it should take you to a place where you can open either PDF file and print it. I hope! This was something different for me, but I couldn't figure out how else to do this and Blogger didn't want me to add the files as I would a photo or video. If any of you have a tip on how to do this an easier way, please let me know.

I also wanted to tell you about Su Bee's punkins tutorial. Fall is here and these punkins will last much longer than the "real" ones! Here's a photo of a whole pile of these babies!

Su Bee also said she used real leaves but you could use silk ones and they'd last longer. Also, check THIS out for another option--several methods for preserving real fall leaves--maybe one would work well for this project!

Seeing these reminded me that a year or two ago, I purchased a kit for making needle felted wool pumpkins. I wonder where I put that? Well, if I can't find it, at least I know where my FABRIC is, so I can whip up a few Su Bee Punkins!


  1. What fun punkins! I will have to give these a try. Thanks for passing along the link to the tutorial.

    Jen :)

  2. Clever girl! The PDF links work great! I need to make about 10 wine bottle vests, those are too cute. Great job!

  3. Love the fun punkins! Need to make a few.

  4. Love them punkins! Too cute! You're just full of fun projects, aren't you? LOL!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!