Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mondays are Awesome! When You're On Vacation, Anyway . . .

Mondays take on a whole different complexion when you don't have to wake up to the alarm clock going off and then rush around getting ready for work. I seriously could adapt to this lifestyle. I'm most definitely NOT a person who would get bored if I didn't have a job to go to five days a week! And yes, I know there's a difference between "vacations" and "unemployment," but I stayed home with my kids for three years when they were growing up and I can honestly say that I never got bored. Broke, yes. Bored, no. And I wasn't even a quilter then!

Today, Hubby and I headed up to the foothills--gold country. There's an area just east of Placerville called Apple Hill, and in the Autumn, many of the farms open up to sell their produce. On weekends, craft booths spring up all over the place, but because crowds drive me nuts, for the last several years, we've gone up there on weekdays. And, after all these years of making our annual trek, I've whittled it down to two places we absolutely must stop: Boa Vista Orchards and Grandpa's Cellar.

Our first stop was Boa Vista. No, now that I think about it, I'm lying: Our first stop was Starbucks. Our SECOND stop was Boa Vista. Here's my cart loaded up with TWO huge boxes of apples and a third huge box of peaches.

Yep, I'm sure I'll be spending part of my vacation baking and canning! We also bought two small ready-made pies for friends. Five smallish pumpkins also made it onto my cart. To tell you the truth, I really don't stop shopping until the cart's pretty well full, and I found several more things to help fill it!

Well, who can resist when they have such a great selection. I took a photo of one small area just to give you an idea. Preserves, dry soup mixes, olives, nuts, wines . . . plenty of stuff to fill a cart.

Next we went to Grandpa's Cellar. Their little gift shop is jam packed with all kinds of stuff! This is just a tiny area.

We stopped for lunch on the way back down the hill at a little cafe called The Nook--great sandwiches and excellent onion rings! There's a quilt shop in the same shopping center, and of course I needed to stop in, but shockingly--at least to the Hubby--I didn't buy anything. The shop is a little more contemporary than what I'm usually drawn to, but since we were there, I didn't want to pass it by without checking.

Back home again, we unloaded everything and I baked those two small apple pies I bought. Then we headed out to meet our friends--the recipients of the pies--Terry and Lisa, and Hubby's sister Kathy--for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Afterward, the "boys" went over to Starbucks while the "girls" headed for Home Goods. Have you ever been to Home Goods? I hadn't until tonight, but what a fun place! Again, I didn't buy a thing, but not for lack of trying. I found a set of pumpkin napkin holders I thought would be fun for our Thanksgiving table, but I'd need two sets and I didn't find a second. I found a few other things that I waivered on for awhile, but in the end, I kept hearing Hubby's voice whispering in my head, "We don't need any more plates!" And "Where are we going to put that?" And "I'm not storing that in the garage!" So, even though he was over at Starbucks, Hubby managed to dampen my retail enthusiasm, darn him! He's like Jiminy Cricket sitting on my shoulder, acting as my conscience sometimes!

Now it's time to think about heading to bed soon. We have a 10 a.m. appointment tomorrow for full body massages. The Wild Child gave us gift certificates for Mother's Day and Father's Day, and we thought we'd use them. Yes, I really DO think I could get used to not having to go to work every morning!


  1. Sounds like a perfect day, and tomorrow a massage...all I can say is ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  2. I have to tell you that I have been away from your blog for week dealing with ugly, nasty people. Last night I was in a shambles and I decided to get caught up on your blog. You are a ray of sunshine for me. I enjoyed everything that you have sewn and done. Today I woke up bright and cheery and ready to take a day and go to the thrift stores. I have Starbucks in hand and I will make a great day of it. Thanks for sharing your vacation with me. My only vacation this year was a family wedding with in-laws and that doesn't count. Yours is delightful. I can't wait to see what you and hubby do next.

  3. Now there's a lady who knows how to VACATION!!! Do you realize you're doing a public service for those of us who DID have to slap the alarm clock? LOL - and a beautiful job of it too. Enjoy that massage, you deserve it!

  4. I Spy Apple Cider!!! Oh good grief, I have GOT to make a trip out to Trax Farm this week to get me some cider. Nothing better among the seasonal consumables!

  5. Sounds like you have a great start to your vacation week. Enjoy your massages today!


  6. Fun stuff. I'd love to go to those farms. Have a great massage! I'm sure you will.

  7. Our husbands must go to the same school of where are you going to put that? We all know that when we need something we will find a place for it. Have a great vacation!

  8. Kim - I'm having a virtual vacation with you! I SO love fall when all of the small farms open up to sell their harvest and other goodies! Glad you're having a wonderful time! Cheers!

  9. It sounds like you are having a great time on your vacation.

    I can't wait to hear about the massages. I know there's going to be a funny story in there somewhere!


  10. Sounds like you are having a great vacation. I am keeping a mental note for the places to visit around Placerville! Pumpkins and apples and apple cider... I love Autumn:) I had the best Apple/Cranberry Crisp over the weekend... (for my birthday).

  11. Fond memories I have of Apple Hill! We used to go every year when I was growing up there.

  12. I know this was for yesterday's post, but I love that witch you're doing and I also love GOODWILL - I wish there was a "superstore" near me! Please stop by my site and enter the FALL INTO FALL "I Want Candy!" giveaway.


  13. Your fall pics are GREAT! I love fall... keep enjoying your vacationa and thanks for sharing with us.. I would love a message.. on my honeymoon in Cancun I had a full body massage.. how wonderful it was.. Until next time..

  14. What gorgeous pumpkins in the field.
    It sounds like you are having some terrific days off- I am sure that you had a lovely time at the massage. I am with you in regards to crowds- I find I like crowds less and less.
    Have a terrific rest of the week.

  15. I want to visit Boa Vista! What a lovely vacation day you and hubby had. Home Goods is a great store, isn't it? Lots of fun stuff, and the prices are pretty darn good. Whenever I go antique-ing, my hubby always says "Remember, the house is full!". I totally disagree, of course! LOL It's a husband thing, I think.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!