Friday, October 17, 2008

It's Quilt Show Time!

Our local quilt guild's annual show starts tomorrow. I don't envy all those quilters scurrying around trying to get the show hung and the vendors set up--I've been involved in that before. But I haven't been a guild member for the last two years, so now I can just pay my admission and enjoy the show! I kind of miss being a member, though, and may well join up again at the beginning of the year. Among other benefits of belonging, the guild brings in fantastic speakers seven or eight months out of the year and it's well worth the membership dues.

One more day of work to get through before the weekend, but two of my quilty peeps from the office (Teri and Jacquie) and I are going to take a loooooong lunch "hour" tomorrow and go over to the quilt show--it's quite close to the office. I'll try to remember to take my camera and get a few photos to share. I'm really looking forward to seeing the quilts. And the vendors! Goodness knows I have plenty of fabric and quilty stuff already, but you never know what treasures you might find, right?! I'm pretty sure there will be a few.

(Oh, and a side note to Teri's mom--who's also a quilter and who reads this blog occasionally: Now you know what your daughter's up to when she's supposed to be hard at work! But maybe she'll find a treasure or two for you too!)

And I finally have a chicken quilt photo for you. I've added all the sashing and just have the borders left to do. It's already bigger than my design wall and I had to take the photo at an angle, so it's not great, but I'm loving the way this quilt is coming out. (Ignore the stuff at the top of the design wall--that's my temporarily-abandoned Christmas List quilt in progress.) I've had such fun with this chicken quilt that I just dug out three Christmas patterns by Pieces From My Heart that use the same technique. Oh! And while getting the link for you, I found three more patterns I just HAD to order--at this time of night, I'm kind of weak. I know exactly how Vicky feels when she's up in the middle of the night punching buttons. ARGH! So, anyway, the photo:

I think I may need to hold off on quilting this one until after the holidays--there are just too many projects to get done between now and then, and I know I won't put a chicken quilt on our beds any time soon.

Finally--if you're still with me and haven't gotten lost in one of the links I've given you--I wanted to mention that Ms. Marcie of Patchalot More fame has posted directions for another small Christmas project. Remember her Trees on the Table from last year? She designs fun and lovely patterns, and this one looks like it will be perfect for a fairly fast project to decorate your own home or give as a gift. Check it out HERE.

Happy quilting!


  1. Your chickens are wonderful! They might just be the push I need to finally make a Buggy Barn quilt! Thanks for sharing them.

  2. How perfect the black and white check with the red cornnerstones. What a fun quilt.

  3. oh I love how your quilt came out
    the sashing fabric is just perfect!
    Have fun at the quilt show

  4. I am not one to pick chickens for decor...but I think your quilt is adorable. I just love that you used red white and black..just love it.

  5. Cute chicken quilt and lucky you going to a quilt show today! Enjoy and take lots of pics!

  6. I just love this - the chickens are so funky in those colours!

  7. Gotta love those chickens. I was hoping you'd throw in one of the chickens with a heart - the rebel chicken! LOL

  8. Love the chicken quilt! The checked sashing is perfect.

  9. The quiltpic was worth the wait! What a great quilt and I agree with the other comments; good choice of fabric! Now I'm going to make me a cup of coffee before I get lost in your links. I'm going to check them all out!

  10. All those hens and not a rooster in the bunch. Looks like a regular hen party. I love it!

  11. You sure got those chickens put together in a hurry! I love them! And your fabric choices are great. It is just such an off-the-wall quilt. Also, thanks for the mention of the new Christmas design. People are flocking over from you blog!

  12. Love the chickens!

    I love being a member of my guild. It took me a long to time to decide to join, but now that I have, it is so much fun!

  13. Your chicken quilt is spectacular! I love it.

  14. Love the chicken quilt! It is too cute.!


  15. Sigh, I had full intentions or writing and giving you heck, Kim, cause I had to order the chicken book after seeing your chickens--but then you gave a link for a wonderful free pattern--so I guess I won't give you heck!!! Love the way your chickens turned out. Love your blog!
    Lurking Linda

  16. I'd have to agree...the sashing is just perfect. I wouldn't have thought this color combination would have appealed to me but i LOVE it!

    Now, can I ask you a question about your Christmas List quilt?? How are you making/sewing your letters on the blocks? Needleturn, fusible, wool, wool felt? I have this pattern but haven't even started yet, so i think it will be for next year. Thanks!

  17. love your chickens! it's our guilds show next week and looking forward to it. have fun at yours

  18. Great looking chickens! Makes me want to order the pattern! :o)

  19. Hi Kim,
    You have heard of the funky chicken dance haven't you? VBG This quilt make me think of dancing... I think this quilt is fabulous- the colors are fun and it makes me smile each time I look at it-
    Well done, Kim,
    Have fun at the guild show....

  20. thanks Kim for the tip about Marcie. What a cute quilt.

  21. I am totally in love with your chicken quilt!! It turned out so very cute - your fabrics are wonderful!
    Thank you so much for telling us about a new pattern from Marcie - it's wonderful! I may have to make one.....or two....


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!