Saturday, October 25, 2008

In The News . . .

The economy is taking a nose dive (despite my best efforts!) and the presidential election is only about a week and a half away. Lots of news to capture our attention these days, right? So, with all that's going on in the world, I was afraid you might miss this very important story:

Yep, turns out scientists have found that the ability to produce stinky gas seems to lower blood pressure. Who knew? And, more importantly, who thought up these studies?!

It's just in the lab mice stage at this point but scientists figure the same conditions will apply to humans, and this will open up a whole new area of treatment for high blood pressure. Rather than the long established blood pressure medications, a person could be induced to produce stinky gas, thereby lowering his or her blood pressure. We've been hearing for years that high fiber foods like beans and other foods such as garlic have beneficial health effects--now I guess maybe it's not really the FOODS themselves but rather the effect they have on us.

Of course, you kinda gotta wonder how this new breakthrough might affect blood pressure levels of the family members and friends of those being treated. I'll tell you one thing though: I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be hanging around people with high blood pressure anymore--not by choice, anyway.

And all this brings me back to the other big news stories of the day. If you have stock in Beano, SELL! Instead, put your money in stock in S. C. Johnson, the company that makes Glade air freshners. And how does this relate to politics? Well, politicians are apparently a lot smarter than I gave them credit for. After all, when it comes to stinky gas, most of them are experts!


  1. Now how did you think up this post? Must have had beans, I know that chili.

  2. LOLOL.....glad I didn't have my coffee yet. :)

  3. How do you think they measure mouse farts?

  4. Funnily enough I read about this on the BBC News website earlier this evening - and I thought it was all those baked beans I eat!!!!!!!!!

  5. This is just too funny! All sorts of comments come to mind, but I'll just leave them there......LOL

  6. You are killing me here!! But, saddest thing is, "someone" in my house has high bp and the apparent deterent condition so i am not sure that it will transfer from mice!! And yes, the bp of those around is NOT helped!!

    So relieved to see that the economy is not in fact your fault..not your fault at all i would say! Love the purchases, cute looly quilt and you can never have too may polka dots! And you will be pleased to note that I am not to blame either lol!!
    The people too blame are the high fliers who forgot to sew!!
    Love, Tracey

  7. Please, please don't promote this! I am a nurse and I give BP meds all the time! I just couldn't handle a "sting" pill! Hee!!


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