Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy Jacks II Winner!

Julie, number 41, is the winner of the Happy Jacks II quilt! Why number 41? Because the Happy Jacks II quilt has 4 pumpkins and 1 star! Probably a funny way to pick a winning number, but it worked for me. Besides that, the Boy Child didn't show up looking for food, and Hubby's sound asleep. So, Julie, congratulations, and please email me your mailing address--I'll get the quilt mailed off to you in the next couple days.

Thank you all for entering my giveaway and leaving me all those lovely and kind comments. I had 88 entries, so for the other 87 of you who didn't win this time, I DO hope you'll find a little time to give this quilt a try. And if you do make it, please let me know--I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Congradulations, Julie, Enjoy the Happy Jacks.

    You sure come up with some unique ways of picking winners.

  2. Wooo and hooo! I can't believe I am the winner of a Kim Creation. Happy Jacks will have a place of honor in my Halloween decorating scheme. Thank you, Kim, for your generous giveaway. I am just thrilled.

  3. Darn! I guess I'll have to make my own Happy Jacks.
    Congrats to Julie.

  4. I think that is a very creative way to pick a number.. CONGRATS to the winner.... a very nice gift!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!