Saturday, October 4, 2008


Literally! Our weather has cooled down here and we had our first rain today since May 24th. Not a heavy rain, by any means, but a nice, light, off-and-on sprinkle. We should get a bit more through the night and into the day Saturday, but the skies will clear by Sunday. I wish I could say our temps will stay cool, but I just watched the weather forecast on the news, and we'll be back up into the 80s all of next week. Still, I'm truly enjoying this little bit of rain while it lasts.

The other thing that's really cool here is that Hubby and I are now officially on vacation! His started when he got off work Thursday, because he had Friday off to watch the termite guy do his thing around our house, but I had to wait until this evening for my vacation to begin. We're both off now until the day after Columbus Day--whatever day that is. I'm not going to even THINK about it for the time being.

Originally we planned to spend our vacation in Oregon. We were even--very kindly--offered the use of a house on the coast. We had a couple other places we wanted to visit, and when I started making reservations and thinking about what we planned to do, I realized we could do all the same things HERE for a lot less money. Well, except sit on a deck and watch the ocean. Yeah, we can't do that here. Still, with the economy the way it is, I had to wonder whether going away made sense, and after talking it over with Hubby last week, we decided to stay home and take day trips from here.

And, having made the decision to stay home and spend a little less money, what did we discover but the darn termites! It's always something, isn't it?!

Still, I told Hubby tonight that I'm darn happy to NOT be spending the evening packing our luggage and thinking about getting up early in the morning to get on the road and drive. Especially not through all that rain. Nope! Tomorrow, instead, we'll spend a relaxing day puttering around with our various crafts and probably rent a movie or two to watch. Dinner? Who knows? Maybe we'll go out. Or not. We're on vacation, so we can do whatever we feel like doing.

Blogging? Yep, I suspect I'll keep up the regular blogging, but if I miss a day or if I don't post at my "normal" time, it probably just means I'm too busy having fun to write. But I do have a couple things tentatively planned. A little giveaway at some point and quite possibly the tutorial on that other quilt I've been teasing you with, the Scrappy Thimbleberries Star quilt in my sidebar. I really want to make some pillow shams to go with the quilt, so that will be a good opportunity to show you how to make the blocks.

And maybe I'll have a few stories and photos to share of whatever we end up doing during our vacation. So come on back and check in on me--I enjoy your visits!


  1. Hi Kim -
    hope you have a wonderful time despite those nasty termites...!!
    Relax, have fun exploring your neighborhood ;o)
    Hugs, Julia

  2. Your is the second blog I have read this morning so far, and you both are going on vacation. Whaaaaaaaaa - I want a vacation!! Hope you have a very relaxing time.

  3. Your is the second blog I have read this morning so far, and you both are going on vacation. Whaaaaaaaaa - I want a vacation!! Hope you have a very relaxing time.

  4. Have a great time on your vacation!!! I think the most important is not where you are, but with whom you are :-))).
    Jana from Helsinki, Finland

  5. I hope you have a terrific "staycation". It seems to be the new trend this year. I love going but I love staying home more right now. Enjoy!!!

  6. Enjoy your stay-cation - you deserve it!!!

  7. We are enjoying the rain here, too. Besides, when it rains I have an excuse to ignore all the yard work and stay inside and stitch. Now I need a good excuse for ignoring the housework. Have a wonderful vacation.

  8. Have a great vacation Kim. I'm on vacation next week too. My husband is a teacher and the school has Fall break next week. We are going to camp for a few days and do whatever, like you I'm just going to enjoy being off of work.

  9. Enjoy your time off from work, you deserve it! Pour yourself a cuppa and enjoy that sound of rain.

  10. Have a great "Staycation". Oregon will miss you. I anticipate seeing a new completed quilt daily. You're so darn productive!

  11. Yep, it is a wise decision because the only way you could sit on the deck and watch the ocean would be in your slicker! LOL! The weather up here (Wa/Ore) went from gorgeous to cold and wet yesterday. Hey, wait a minute - seems to be about the same time you started vacation! ROFLOL! Have fun, keep dry, and enjoy!

  12. A stay-at-home vacation can be much more relaxing. Some times we try to cram too many activities into a few days. Whatever you and hubby come up with I'm sure you'll have a great time. And, more money left in the pocket!!

  13. Have a great vacation!!! We were supposed to go away when we had time off a couple of weeks ago and ended up deciding to stay was just the best .... we just pottered around the house and did things that needed doing here and did a couple of day trips...caught up with was really relaxing.....hope yours is too.....termites...Yikes.....hope the exterminator does his job!! Nasty things!! (the termites not the pest control man!)

  14. I envy you getting some time to take a vacation. We've been so busy at work I had to go in to work today to try to get a little caught up. Have a great vacation!

  15. Have a wonderful vacation! It is sometimes nicer to stay home and just enjoy some r & r with the odd day trip thrown in!!

  16. Just having been on vacation to the other side of the country, I agree that a vacation at home is a wonderful thing! Sounds like you have some fun trips planned. Enjoy!


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