Monday, September 15, 2008

Show and Tell, Part 2

I suck at photography, but I'm inflicting these photos on you anyway. Actually, I think a good part of it is the camera. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Hubby thinks it's funny when I go around the house and take photos of the decorations. I think it's funny when I decorate and he says we'll have to invite people over the see it. Of course, I'm thinking all of YOU see it and I don't even have to get dressed and fix my hair first!

Yesterday I was working on two projects that weren't finished. One still isn't, but I finished this "sign" today so I can show you. Witches' Ride Nite, Oct. 31st. I made Hubby save some old fence boards so I could make signs. Of course, he thinks I'm nuts.

My plan is to decorate the kitchen for Halloween, and the rest of the house will have Autumn decorations. Then, after Halloween, I only have one room to redecorate. I know, I know--some of you probably think I'm nuts with all the seasonal decorating, but I enjoy the crafting/artistic side of it, and I also enjoy looking at it. For awhile. Then I have to change everything again.

The garland on the mantle has lights, but because I'm an inept photographer, you can't see them very well. No matter what setting I select, the photos pretty much come out the same. Sheesh!

There's AUTUMN. I fully expect the Boy Child will come over some day when I'm at work and rearrange the letters to spell something obscene. I don't know if it's possible, but if it is, he'll figure it out. I'm planning to put a pumpkin or two up there, but the pumpkins--the larger ones--haven't hit the stores yet. So I'm just saving some space for them right now.

Here's the Wild Child's former room. Remember the bench I bought at Goodwill? It sure comes in handy for decorating! Speaking of the Wild Child, she just got home from a week long kayaking trip around Lake Tahoe. She has a ton of photos she wants me to see, and she's uploaded them all to a photo album on Facebook. She said I have to open a Facebook account of my own to view them. And I have to ask if I can be her friend. And if she's in a good mood, she said, she might consider it. Argh!

See that tray on the table, bottom center? Goodwill! It has a Charles Wysocki print on it--I love his stuff!

Here's a wool pumpkin tabletopper I made--I think it was the year before last. This is one of my favorite Autumn pieces!

This little display--it's been up for months. I just threw some Autumn leaves in there for effect. Sometimes easy is good.

Dress up squirrel is ready for Autumn!

If you've been reading my blog for a long time, you might remember Phineas Pheasant. Phineas used to belong to my mom until she moved and she passed him on to me. He was around when I was a little kid. One of these days, his feathers will probably all fall out. In the meantime, though, he gets to come out every Autumn and visit. It looks like he's thinking about eating those pumpkins, doesn't it?

Mostly I've shown you photos of the living room and a couple other limited areas tonight. That's because despite the fact that I've been decorating all freakin day long and my feet are about to fall off, I still have a way to go. Not much has been done in the kitchen yet, and although the other rooms are decorated, they're a bit chaotic right now with stuff coming out of the cupboards to be displayed and more stuff piling up to be put away in the cupboards. So, you can look forward with eager delight to more decorating wonders from my home. Just don't expect me to get dressed and fix my hair when you come over to my blog for a visit!


  1. We wait with bated breath for the spelling lesson :o)))

  2. it all looks great.....I love the Pheasant!! boys ...gotta love 'em!! I am sure he will change the letters around....just because he can....! boys don't need a reason to do stuff! I love decorating the house for Christmas but don't do anything for other seasons...perhaps I should start!

  3. oh btw - just thought I would ask - do you ever sleep????

  4. It looks great Kim! Wish I could get into the autumn decorating this year... just been too darn HOT!

    As daring as the wild child is.. why not ask HER to climb in the garage rafters to take down your decorating stuff?? Or did she already? ;-)

  5. Looks good so far. The pheasant will soon fly away. Better watch him.

  6. Oh Kim, this looks great, wish I could come and visit for real!!! We don't decorate a lot here except for christmas and easter, think I may have to start some new traditions!

  7. You do such a beautiful job decorating! I, on the other hand, feel like I've done a lot when I manage to switch out the wallhanging over the fireplace every few months, LOL. I wanna know how it happens that you have all those beautiful quilts with dark colors (and that gorgeous wool pumpkin tabletopper) and you DON'T seem to have cat hair everywhere?!?? And the mantel...does Spike just leave all your decorations alone?!??? Can she (she's a SHE, right??) come and teach my cats how to behave? Please??

  8. Thanks for the reminder of my son #1 who does same.....letters....spelling lesson for mom! You've decorated much more than me....looks great.

  9. I really really like the table topper. I think your decorating is great. Usually I am friends with all 3 of my daughters on Facebook, but #2 takes me off as a friend if she doesn't want me to see something on I even remember to look at it! Ha!

  10. I am so glad autumn is almost here, except we get summer a lot longer than you guys probably do up north. Ha, at least your pheasant goes in the closet after the season is over, my husband has an albino one he got hunting mounted on hanging in the living room all year round! I hate that thing.

  11. Wow Kim! It all looks great and good for you to get your decorating all done -- that's a lot of work!

  12. Love the cat jumping over the pumpkin! My kind of quilt. Join Facebook, we can be friends. I've had an account for the last few years (since DD1 went to college. All her friends and DD2's friends are mine too. It's kind of fun to keep up with the younger group.

  13. Wow, your fall decorating is amazing! I'd love to know where I could find the pattern to make the pumpkin table topper. It's gorgeous!

  14. I don't think you're crazy for decorating for holidays. I do it, too! My kids expect and love it!

    I don't have many fall decorations, but I'm working on accumulating some. I love decorating with quilts, so I have been working on some fall themed ones. They probably won't get finished and "done" in time for this year, but next year for sure. I do have a lot of Halloween and Christmas.

    Everything you've done looks great. Thanks for sharing!

  15. I cannot get over how much you decorate. I think I'm just lazy. I don't want to have to put it all away! It's gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Kim,

    Your house looks great. Can you fly here and decorate mine for me??

    Ellen in KC


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