Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Little Thrifting

The weekend is here, and what better way to start it off than with a quick stop to hunt for treasures on the way home from work? Well, maybe a mojito would have made a more suitable beginning, but as there were no mojitos on the horizon, the next best thing was a stop at the local Goodwill store. And no, before you ask, I did not shoplift anything on this trip!

I've been on the lookout for a child's tea set for quite some time, so I was quite pleased to find this small Christmas set.

And a party apron. The crochet-edged handkerchief in the pocket called out to me. No, I really can't imagine wearing this or even hanging it on my kitchen hooks, but it was too pretty to leave behind. Well, maybe I COULD imagine wearing it after a mojito or two. Maybe naked in high heels. Except Hubby would probably just laugh, and laugh, and laugh, and then I'd have to kill him. So maybe I'll just stick to drinking mojitos wearing "normal" clothes. Like sweats and a T-shirt. Or a flannel nightgown.

The fun part of thrifting is the imagination and fantasy involved. Spinning stories around found treasures. Thinking about how to use or display "vintage" finds. Turning tired old things into something new with a little paint and creativity.

If you've never been thrifting or haven't gone for awhile, and you find you have a little free time this weekend, give it a try. And if it doesn't work out for you, go buy yourself a mojito. Or two.

And while you're at the thrift store, remember to keep your eyes open for Halloween decorations and potential costumes. Halloween's not too far away, and you never know when you might need to dress up in an apron and high heels! Go ahead: Live the fantasy! After all, that's what weekends are for.


  1. STOP! STOP! STOP! - way too much information! Now I'll have to get the needle out to stitch up my sides as they've split from all the laughter! Kim you crack me up :o)

  2. ps - the teaset it sweet too but not quite so comfortable with the stilettos!

  3. I have been looking for a childs tea set to go with my newest thrift find this week. We had one packed up in storage and after searching for the right one I dug it out. How cute.
    I think the apron is cute, but yeah way to much info.

  4. Very nice fines. And you know that paint and creativity you use on tired old things - hmmmm - maybe they would work on hubby?

  5. That tea set is adorable, Now couldn't you just see yourself serving hubby tea with that cute apron on? What an imagination you have?

  6. I'm "thrifting" today too. We'll see what I come home with. I love the tea set. Very cute. If I see a really great child's tea set, I'll pick it up for you, but then maybe it wouldn't be as much fun as finding it yourself?

  7. HI Kim,
    A girl has to do what a girl has to do - that apron could make life pretty exciting LOL...
    I love the tea set - you find the best things in your thrift stores- the say someone's trash is someone else's treasure - you have the knack of finding some great treasures which could never be regarded as trash.
    Have fun thrifting...

  8. You could always serve some persuasive type of beverage with your tea set while wearing your apron.. maybe he wouldn't laugh and your right if he did.. you would have to kill him.. YOU are too much I love you blog.. thanks for sharing.

  9. I was gonna suggest you wear that apron naked with your red thigh high boots.


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