Tuesday, September 9, 2008


It's Monday--or at least it WAS Monday up until an hour and a half ago. And I'm irritated.

For the past couple of days, mosquitos have been feasting on my blood. I haven't really seen them or felt them, but I've ended up with itchy, red bumps all over my legs and feet. ARGH! Last night when I was doing a little housecleaning, I found one lurking under the toilet seat. I'm certainly grateful to have found him before he found me! After all, it's one thing to scratch one's leg in public but quite another to scratch one's behind!

I seem to have suffered more than usual with allergies this year. Earlier today, though, I was thinking that I was finally feeling less congested and stuffed up. All that changed when I came home from work tonight. I think I'm probably allergic to Hubby. Or something around here.

Tonight I was quilting a border and then sewing on the binding of a quilt. I really, really wanted to get the binding on tonight, so I could take the quilt to work tomorrow and work on hand stitching the binding down during my lunch hour. I got about 2/3rds of the binding sewn on when I felt a fold in the backing. I flipped it over and found TWO folds in slightly different sections! ARGH! How does that happen when you have it pinned? I think that's one of those mysteries of quilting! And, of course, that meant spending quite a bit of time taking out the quilting, changing feet on the sewing machine, re-quilting, yada, yada, yada. Then I thought I wasn't going to have enough binding prepared, but I just made it with what I had. WHEW! If one more thing had gone wrong, I think I would have just fallen on my seam ripper.

Now it's bedtime. WAAAY past bedtime. I sure hope tomorrow's a better day. I sure hope the mosquitos don't find me while I sleep!


  1. Poor Kim, what a night. I guess you got the quilt all fixed before hitting the computer and bed. Gee, it's good the bed is so close to the computer, You can just fall into it. Hope today is better.

  2. They always eat me as well!!-and never my husband.
    Obviously we share high quality blood!lol Tracey

  3. The seam ripper as the modern day sword. Hahaha -- you're a very funny girl!!!

  4. Pesky mossies!! It has been too cold for them here for a while but I am sure they will be out and about soon......they love our entertaining area and lurk in the garden to attack unsuspecting guests......I never venture outside in summer without adequate protection in the form of some foul smelling concoction that is bound to send them (the mossies not the guests) packing!!! ......the mental picture of you "falling on your seam ripper" made me laugh!! Glad you got it all sorted.....! ....and get some sleep!!

  5. ugh mosquitoes! i'm the one in our family where they will come feasting over to *shudder* hate the winged beasties!

  6. That poor mosquito wouldnt have known what hit him. LOLOL I can just picture you sitting on the toilet and there he was. OMG Now I wont be able to sleep.

  7. Hi,
    May 26, 2007 picture of pansy fabric. Can you tell me who made that fabric. I thought it was Thimbleberries but no longer sure. Appreciate help. Was in a quilt I gave to a friend using the Flower Maze pattern, but it's been awhile.

    Great blog! Thanks.


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