Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Jacks!

I have a name for my new Jack O'Lantern quilt--Happy Jacks! What do you think? When I was making it, I thought some of the Jack faces were kind of scary, but when I look at it now, they seem pretty happy to me. And why wouldn't they be? Just about everyone seems to like them!

So, yes, I'll give you directions to make the quilt. In fact, I think I'll make a four-patch version along with you and have a giveaway when it's done. This is my 600th post, so that seems like a good reason to celebrate--don't you agree?

But don't start leaving me comments to enter the giveaway just yet--I'll ask for those in a few days. In the meantime, since only one of you can win the giveaway and I know there are more than one of you who would like your own Happy Jack quilt, get out your scraps and sew along with us.

The way I'm going to do this is I'll first give you instructions for making the pumpkin blocks. The cutting and sewing instructions will be for ONE BLOCK. If you want a nine patch, like I made, you'll need to make nine blocks. Of course, you could just make one block and make it into a pillow cover or a treat bag. Or make a four-patch (like I'll be making this time) and have a small wallhanging or table topper. If you make 25 blocks, you'll have a decent sized lap quilt. Clear? So for one block:


From orange (pumpkin) fabric:
2 pieces 6-1/2" by 3-1/2"

From green (stem) fabric:
2 pieces 1-1/4" square
1 piece 2" square

From blue (background) fabric:
2 pieces 2" by 2-3/4"
4 pieces 2" square
1 piece 2" by 6-1/2"
2 pieces 2" by 9-1/2"

Of course, you can use something other than blue for your background fabric--cream, black, or golden yellow are a few suggestions. I liked the blue because I like the orange and blue combination and I plan to use mine in my kitchen--which has a lot of blue.

I'm going to stop here tonight to give you time to cut your pumpkin block pieces. Tomorrow night I'll give you directions and a few photos on piecing the pumpkins. The next night, I'll talk about sashing and tell you how I set mine and give you measurements for that part. Also, either that night or the next, I'll show you how I made the faces and sewed them on as I quilted. I DO hope you'll make a Happy Jack quilt project and either post a photo on your blog or, if you don't have a blog, send me a photo and I'll share it on mine.

Happy quilting!


  1. 600 posts, WOW, you do need a giveaway. Course you do visit us every night. Way to go.!!!!

    Cute Happy Jack

  2. Thanks, Kim! I can't sew along with ya right now because I'm SO swamped with heading-up a program I started at school, plus sewing 156 blocks for our younger DS's/his fiancee's wedding quilt (next Aug., but that's a LOT of blocks!!!) However, I'm saving the instructions to use when my head surfaces above water. Too cute! THANKS!

  3. Hi Kim
    I so enjoy reading your blog every morning with my coffee. I have caught your thrifting bug (bet you didn't know you were contagious!!) and have been having a great time searching for treasures with my daughter who loves it also. Thank you thank you for the directions to the pumpkin quilt. I will be heading down to the sewing room to see what fabrics I have to make this quilt. I might even NEED to go to the quilt store for just the right fabric!!
    Cindy L.

  4. Sounds like fun!
    I'll be making one along with you.
    Thanks for the idea.

  5. Good morning Kim! Happy Jacks.....I love the name and the way the quilt turned out. I wish I had some of your energy right about now. My sewing time has been cut in half these mom is back living close to me and I've been helping her but....shhhhh....I'm going to sneak in some time to sew...somehow. Take care.

  6. Good morning Kim! Happy Jacks.....I love the name and the way the quilt turned out. I wish I had some of your energy right about now. My sewing time has been cut in half these mom is back living close to me and I've been helping her but....shhhhh....I'm going to sneak in some time to sew...somehow. Take care.

  7. Happy Jacks is a great name!

    It would be so much easier if you would just send your quilt to me. Yes, it really would!!! LOL! OK, I'm thinking about playing along but we'll see!

  8. Cute as it can possibly be! Thank you so much for the tutorial...

  9. How big is one pumpkin block?

    Jeanne, who's thinkin' about some jacko's :)

  10. cute quilt.....and can I say congrats on 600 posts....I am such a newbie at this....haven't even got to the 100 mark yet...!!

  11. Kim, I'll sew along with you. I'm glad you scaled it down to 4 blocks for our group sew. Congrats on your 600 posts.

  12. How nice your tutorial is Kim, I know it took a lot of extra time for you to whip up another quilt and show the progress step by step. You are specail!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!