Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ah, That's Better!

It's a little past 11:30, and once I post this, I can actually go to bed! Unlike last night when I was up until 2 a.m. decorating. ARGH!

Last night--while I was decorating--a bit of a wind came up, and it was much cooler today. Beautiful weather in fact! I think our high was in the high 70s and we can expect more of the same the rest of the week. I'm taking credit--I think Mother Nature must read my blog and realize it's time for Autumn OUTSIDE and not just INSIDE!

As promised, here are some photos of my decorations. Ready? First, here's the quilt you'll see when you come in the front door. It's a slightly altered Thimbleberries pattern from a couple years ago. Once I finish the Hey Ghoul Friend witch quilt, though, it will be replaced.

Now, come on into the kitchen.

This is a fun little arrangement I put together last year. And remember my Halloween tree? The one I made from the dead camellia bush? Here it is all dressed up.

It's kind of funny when your kids reach adulthood and you find out they actually WERE paying attention when they were younger. The Boy Child saw my tree the other day and asked what it was. I told him, of course, and he told me he had gotten a manzanita bush from somewhere to decorate. Cracks me up!

And my hutch. Sorry the photo's so dark, but it was night time and the lighting wasn't great. I know it's kind of hard to see in this photo, but I found the bat garland at the quilt shop the other night. Lindy at Bear Paws and Hollyhocks always has neat stuff!

Remember that corner cabinet I got at Goodwill last week?

There it is in the corner, all painted up! Last night while Hubby was trying to sleep, I was drilling screws in the wall and moving that green shelf/drawer unit up high enough to make room for the cabinet. Poor Hubby! The stuff he has to put up with around here!

If you look close, you might be able to see that I put together parts of a witch's costume--a broom, shoes, and a hat. The broom was a small, beat up one Hubby kept on the patio and used occasionally. I painted the handle and prettied it up a bit. I guess Hubby's going to have to get himself a new broom. Then, on the chest of drawers, there's an antique pair of shoes my mom passed on to me a couple years ago. She had painted them gold, which I thought was pretty odd, but I added some purple plaid ribbon and they seem just right for a Halloween decoration. Want to see them--and the cabinet--a little closer?

And the last part of the witch's wardrobe--here's her hat. I used a purchased papier mache cone, added a paper plate as the brim, and covered the whole thing with papier mache. Once it dried, I painted and decorated it.

Martha Stewart's cut out rat sillouhettes are kind of fun! I put some on the bottom of the door from the kitchen to the garage--in addition to these on the range top--and Spike wasn't sure how to react--she thought they might be real!

The top of my fridge. I really need to clean off all the papers, coupons, magnets, and such from the front of the fridge, so I just photographed the TOP--that's all you get to see! Don't you think that wooden basket needs some little pumpkins? (Don't look close at the dirt! I really, really need to clean, and I'll probably do that in the next couple days!)

Finally, I'll leave you with a close up of the Halloween tree--and Archie, of course!

Those are Boo Bells tied onto the branches and there's a string of purple lights on the tree too. And crows--Halloween wouldn't be Halloween without black crows.

Well, it's just past midnight--the Witching Hour! Time for me to get in bed and pull the covers up over my head so the ghosts and goblins don't get me! I'll see you again next time!


  1. Kim - it looks wonderful! I love the witch's hat. It's amazing what can be done with papier mache (and a whole lot of creativity!)

  2. So when is the party?

    Bet hubby just shakes his head.. Must not have anything in the bedroom. Then you couldn't sleep.

    Cute. Those mice running across the back of the stove are really cute. Probably fustrate Spike.

  3. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAZING! You are so talented - want to come decorate my house? This week end would be great. :-)

  4. I love all of your decorating. Wish I had mine done. Maybe this weekend.

  5. Kim, Thank you very much for the cookbook and fabric. I have read it many times and have all the recipes marked that I need to try. Well to tell you the truth there are not many that are not marked. The fabric is put aside so that I can make something for my kitchen. I have had a terrible time trying to post to the blogs with this google system. thank you very much. I read your blog daily and I am impressed with you decorations and creativity.

  6. As I was looking at your pictures I thought to myself, that is just the kind of home I could walk in, have a cup of coffee and say to myself, "yep, I am feeling the stress slip right off and out the door." Your home is just lovely. :)

  7. Your decorating looks great Kim! You never cease to amaze me!

  8. Loved looking at all your decorations! My favorite was the gold boots with purple plaid ribbon. Hilarious! Fun times at your house! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog (Just Another Hang Up) and signing up for the give aways!

  9. That is a lot of decorating. Very nice.

  10. You are incredible! love the witch's hat....and the gold shoes....! can't wait to see your Christmas decs!!

  11. Wow, everything looks great! I need to make an archie cat :o)

  12. It looks wonderful! My kids would be in 7th heaven! I'm decorating challenged, so, poor things, they miss out. You have inspired me to get out some of my Halloween stuff in September this year, rather than wait until October 30th.

  13. Wow...your house looks wonderful, like a boutique! I love what you did with the Thimbleberries Pumpkin House quilt.

  14. Kim, your talent for decorating absolutely astounds me! I absolutely adore everything you've done. I decorate and it looks like it's done by someone who is just sticking out her collections and has no idea how to display things or put things together in an attractive way. I have a friend who does this beautifully also. I've decided it must be a talent you people are born with that can't be learned. I look and look and drool and drool and when I try to do something similar it just doesn't look the same. Sure wish I lived close to you so I could pick your brains and learn from you every day. No point in me going thrifting like you do - all I see is usually junk - I can't visualize how the stuff could be changed to make something wonderful. I am in awe.

  15. OMG!!! it's gorgeous! Love it all! You are so talented! I'm envious! thanks for sharing!

  16. You sure have the touch! Your decorations are so much fun...just like you. And, I love your topical quote. Nice touch.

  17. Oh my you are absolutely AMAZING!!! and inspiring ....Thank you for sharing all of these photos.

  18. I was so looking forward to getting that corner cabinet.. LOL I am glad you found a spot and it looks great! We are going to storage to get all my holiday stuff this weekend. I can't wait to start decorating.. you have given me motivation. LOVE IT! Great job.. and as always.. thanks for sharing.

  19. love the fall decorating! i go all out for fall as well :)

  20. Kim, your fall decor looks great. The corner cabinet is just perfect -- you did a great job with it as always. Like everyone else I love the witch's hat. I have tried and failed to make one -- yours looks super. Great job

  21. Kim, your fall decor looks great. The corner cabinet is just perfect -- you did a great job with it as always. Like everyone else I love the witch's hat. I have tried and failed to make one -- yours looks super. Great job

  22. You are such a talented lady! I just sit and stare at all the wonderful decorations you have made or put together. Amazing!! I would like to have access to just a small part of your fertile, creative mind! The Halloween tree turned out very well - it's too cute! Ummmm....I mean scary!


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