Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tired Tuesday!

Another late night watching young and hard-bodied athletes compete. I love what Michael Phelps has been able to accomplish so far but I'm getting a little tired of men's swimming being all about him. Are you? I kind of feel bad for the other guys swimming for the US in the relays who win along with Phelps but get very little recognition for the part they play. And it's almost refreshing to see an occasional swimming competition that DOESN'T include Phelps. Still, I hope he continues to do well.

Women's gymnastics was pretty--I really enjoy the uneven bar routines and can't imagine swinging around and around and flinging oneself from one bar to the other. In fact, sometimes I can't imagine getting down on the floor and getting back up again. Unfortunately the US women's team had some serious errors, but the Chinese were a delight to watch doing their floor routines. Congrats to them in winning the gold. I thought Bela Karolyi was refreshingly candid--and opinionated!--in expressing his belief that many of the "women" on the Chinese team were under age. But when did that age rule go into effect anyway and why? It seems like gymnastics has always featured young girls barely out of puberty. And some of the other sports include young competitors, so although yeah, it seems to me that a few of the Chinese girls may be fibbing a bit on their age, so what?

And men's beach volleyball. Why do they need to wear shirts? Wouldn't it be better for them and us if they played bare-chested?

Well, you can see where my mind is going, so it's probably time for me to get to bed. On the quilting front, I've spent the last two evenings stitching bindings, labels, and sleeves. I finished my version of the Thimbleberries Lakeside quilt and took it out of the washer and dryer, spread it on the bed, and got ready to take a photo for you . . .

. . . but within seconds, this happened. The resident quilt-tester decided to be the first one on it, got a good purrrrrrr going, and refused to budge. That's okay, though--I'd rather get a sleeve on it and hang it before I get a "good" photo to show you.

Tomorrow night's my Thimbleberries Club meeting followed closely, no doubt, by further television viewing of Olympic proportions. Have a great Wednesday!


  1. Hi, Kim, don't you know that Spike likes to get his picture taken too? Cute.

    Love the gymnastics.

  2. I always have at least one volunteer model on my quilts, too. And why does Thing Two think that he is required to jump on the quilts when they get finished?

    Your quilt looks very nice. Are those prairie points or pieced triangles there in the border? Either way, I like that effect they give.

  3. Too typical of kitties. Seems just yesterday you posted just the top. It looks great. How did you machine quilt it....I can't see from the picture the quilt design.

  4. Love your model! I thought the same thing about the beach volleyball guys! Here they have the girls in a barely there bikini, but the guys are quite modestly covered. Where is the justice, I tell 'ya!! I like Michael Phelps' Mom...

  5. TRULY BEAUTIFUL--I love my models checking out my quilts as well....I value their opinions! hehehehe
    I am looking forward to the r4st of the club meets to get my big quilt done!! *~*CAROLE*~*

  6. I always enjoy your posts!!! Great thoughts all the way around..and I am sitting here on the computer blogging, and watching men's swimming too!


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