Friday, August 1, 2008

Sick Day

I'm taking a sick day from blogging. Don't worry though--I'm not actually dying or anything! It's just a stomach bug that I'm pretty sure Hubby had last weekend. I was kind of annoyed at the time that he had three days off and did nothing but sit in his recliner and take naps, but now I understand, 'cause that's just about what I'd like to do. Except for those times--which seem to be more frequent than I would wish--when I have to run to the bathroom. Too much information?! See, that's why I need to take a blogging sick day. No telling what gory details I might go into if I sat here chatting with you much longer!

Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow. But if not, you'll know I'm just still feeling a little under the weather and haven't figured out a way to move the computer to the bathroom yet, right?! Well, gotta run. Literally.


  1. Hi Kim - oh, that sounds bad. Get well soon,

  2. Hope you feel better soon.......! gotta love Hubby for sharing!

  3. No matter whats happening you make it comical. LOL

    Get well, the weekends here

  4. oh poor you! I can be completely sympathetic and caring since there is very little likelihood that you'll pass it on to me from this distance, so, that being said, is there anything I can do??? ;-)

  5. Ohhhh Kimmy.....I hope you feel better soon!

  6. Hoping you're back to yourself soon.

  7. Feel better soon!

    Congrats to boy boss on the boy!

  8. Wow you even take time when your sick to be a quick blogger, your a trooper sister - I hope your feeling better really fast. Son#2 was down with a real nasty bug for 3 days and I'll spare you the details, LOL, but it wasn't purty. Feel better soon - I love your posts.

  9. Hi Kim...been away for awhile & was sorry when I came to your blog to catch up that you aren't feeling well. Feel better soon!


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