Monday, August 18, 2008

More Quilting Progress

Except for a nice little nap, a shortish reading break, and some not-too-elaborate dinner preparations, I spent the entire day in the Sweat Shop. I started the day with a cup of coffee and the Halloween witch quilt pattern. This bustier block completes the top row of the border:

Yes, the placement of the candy corn amuses me no end! I wish I had another block prepared to take with me to the office to work on during my lunch hour tomorrow, but I'm afraid I didn't leave myself enough time. I kept thinking I should stop and prepare an applique block, but I was anxious to finish the center section of the Schnibbles X-Rated quilt top--which I managed to do just as the evening's broadcast of the Olympics concluded.

Surprise! Are you surprised I used black polka dots as a background fabric? I was! I actually had quite a pile of the white background squares cut when I spotted the black in my stash and thought I'd like it better. This change, though, will alter what I had planned for the borders and it will mean a stop at the quilt shop on my way home from work tomorrow night to see about a different border fabric. Darn! Don't you just hate having to go to the quilt shop? NOT! And if I have my wits about me when I go in, I'll try to remember to get a photo of the brown and pink quilt Elaine made--I've forgotten to get a photo to share with you twice now!

I hope you've had a great weekend too! Thanks for stopping in for a visit!


  1. Love the bustier! LOL

    Sweet quilt - the polka dots look great. What great results.

  2. Boy you sure get a lot done - I must waste a lot of time, LOL

    Hugs - Karen

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE the polka dots. It sets the blocks off perfectly. Hurry up with this one!! I Love that pattern and want a giveaway!! LOL

    You know for the life of me I could not figure out what that block was... I thought maybe it was just the pieces thrown on the background. Now I get it.

  4. I like the polka dots, never would have thought of that.
    After checking out your Halloween ghoulfriend, I think perhaps you could quilt hubby some shorts? maybe applique something interesting on them? hmmmm?

  5. I think your polka dots makes the quilt quite smashing! I love it and never would have thought of it myself. I need to start thinking out of the box. Nancy in WI

  6. I would never have thought to put such a bold polka dot and soft florals together but I really really love it! Great job!

  7. Is the candy corn on the bustier part of a differnent fabric or does the fabric have candy corn stars?.. if so which one.. it is way cute! You are zipping on this too cute pattern!

  8. How fun are those dots??? Perfect way to set this off! And darn, I know how troubling it is to go to the quilt store... maybe troubling to my pocketbook, but otherwise NOT. :o)

  9. love the polka dots!! very nice and also love those candy corns!!

  10. Kim, I like the black polka dot background better than the white, it looks awesome. I'm really into polka dot fabrics lately, my favorite seems to be the black with white polka dots.

  11. The black polka dots are best, shows off the "x"s much better than the white. I also love the Halloween quilt, it is a stitch, no pun intended.

  12. Hmmm...the candy corn placement is quite bewitching in the way it will draw the naughty girl, lol. Might have to x-rate your quilt - and you have just the quilt for the x-rating. Both quilts are really making up nicely.

  13. love the black! You really have a knack for changing one or two things about a pattern and making it look better than the original!

  14. Hi Kim,
    The dots are terrific- its adds zip to the design and made it your own. How clever you are- Its going to be another beauty..


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!