Thursday, August 28, 2008

Is Autumn in the Air?

No, maybe not, but it sure was in my shopping bag today! (The oak and acorn teapot and acorn salt and pepper shakers remind me of my good friend Kairle, who collects oak and acorn stuff. Have you seen these yet Kairle?!)

I've been sort of half planning a trip to JoAnn's for the last couple weeks, and I decided today was the day. And look what greeted me as I walked into the store! Fall is here!

I love decorating for Fall. Well, you know I love decorating, full stop! It doesn't really matter what time of the year it is, it's always fun to put out seasonal and holiday things around the house. And just about now--back-to-school time, end of August, Labor Day weekend coming up--I start getting tired of Summer and I'm ready to start thinking about Autumn sunflowers, apples, pumpkins, and a few ghosts and goblins to boot. And, of course, that's why I went to JoAnn's in the first place--I was looking for some Halloween trims for the witch quilt. (That's my story, anyway, and I'm sticking to it!)

I found a few things I liked at JoAnn's and then I stopped at another fabric store on the way home from work--Hancock's (not Hancock's of Paducah, but a different store altogether). Hancocks has a pretty good selection of home dec fabrics, specialty/bridal fabrics, and trims. After gathering up what I liked from JoAnn's and Hancocks, here's what I came home with:

Oh, yeah, and a few of these things below found their way into my shopping bag at JoAnn's too!

My Australian friend Lorraine likes Fons & Porter, so when I saw there was a new one out, I had to bring it home. Well, okay, I'll admit I had to bring TWO home, so I can send one off to Lorraine and keep one for moi. Because, you know--it's a Fall edition. And I love Fall, right?!

And, since I have these three luscious new magazines right here on my bed, I can't think of much I'd rather do than get my jammies on and go to bed early and read. The lights in the Sweat Shop will remain off tonight, because I have other plans.

Thanks for coming by for a visit! I wish you happy sewing! And reading! And shopping!


  1. Yes, fall is almost here.It's raining in Maryland this morning.
    Tme to get out that Halloween stuff. Nice shopping trip. You are really teasing Kairle.

  2. fall is here in NH too leaves are changing...very pretty! I have to go Joanns...I like what I see in the pictures...thanks for sharing!

  3. ...which means spring is in the air is going to be 18C here today....Mark thought he might break out the shorts!! I told him he was dreamin'...leave them in the wardrobe for now!! rain and 15C tomorrow! I am feeling like I need to change the house around....could there be some spring cleaning in the air....??? it can wait until I am on my break from work....only a week to go!! so much planned I think I would need about six weeks to get everything done...! Love the look of the new mag.....I haven't forgotten you....will wait for the next issue and send them both together..with the TimTam balls!! LOL....Lynette Anderson from Aus has a project in the Better Homes and Gardens Holiday Crafts mag....

  4. Kim you are so funny. Any excuse to shop is worth it.....LOL. JoAnn's has some great stuff for decorating but I try to stay away from funds are invested in......FABRIC, NEEDLES, MAGAZINES, BOBBINS, etc. I don't know how it all started but it's fun.LOL....Take care and have great weekend.

  5. *shreeeeeeeeeek*! i shouldn't have read this. i'm heading down south this weekend and will certainly be making a trip to Joanne's now! i love those pumpkins on the bottom shelf. fall is my favoritest of all seasons

  6. I am soooooooo ready for FALL and some cooler weather!!!! I say BRING IT!!!

  7. You have got me to thinking about my favorite time of year!! How I love to decorate for Fall and Halloween! As my hubby says, I proudly display my broomstick for all to see - cackle, cackle!!
    All your treasures are just too much fun, Kim!


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