Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Block Du Jour

I think I'm still suffering from a touch of that stomach flu because although my stomach seems fine again, I'm feeling a little more tired than usual. Funny thing was that I mentioned being sick over the weekend to someone at work and she said her husband had been sick with the same symptoms. Another gal was standing nearby and heard our conversation, and she said she had been sick the night before. Both of them thought maybe it was something to do with the food they ate, but I'm guessing this thing is just going around. It certainly would be more convenient, though, if it wouldn't hit on a weekend--I'd much rather have my work days ruined than my days off!

Anyway, I was hoping to get a backing made for the Thimbleberries quilt and get it pinned and ready for quilting after work tonight, but I ended up having to stay at work an extra hour, and with feeling kind of tired and having less daylight out on the patio to pin the quilt, I decided to postpone that little job until tomorrow night. Instead I shut myself into the Sweat Shop and worked on the next Christmas List block, Bake the Cookies. My next Christmas List class is a week from tonight, and after this block, I'll have just one more to make to catch up with the class. For this block, I still have to stitch down the red letters--they are just pinned in place right now--but the rest of the applique is done.

Block of the month quilts are nice in theory, but sometimes I get too caught up in other projects to stop and do a single block. Does that happen to you? And then tonight I was looking for the red embroidery floss I had used in the first block with red letters, and after color-matching several different red flosses, I looked closer and realized I had used regular thread. ARGH! See, that's the other problem--I forget some of the details from one month to the next! And, silly me, the whole time I was looking for the right colored floss, I was berating myself for not having stuck that particular floss with the rest of my class materials! Sheesh!

Bedtime for me--tomorrow's another work day and it's only Tuesday--still plenty of days to go until the next weekend rolls around. Happy quilting!


  1. Cute block, Kim. That will be an adorable Christmas quilt.

  2. I love it, Kim! Can't wait to see this top together!

  3. Cute block! Hope you're feeling like yourself soon.

  4. Holy cow - you accomplish more SICK in 2 days than I do healthy in a month - you ROCK! The Thimbleberries is just awesome.

  5. Your Christmas List block is soooo cute.

  6. I love this quilt.... SO MUCH! Hope you feel better and recover all the way soon so you can get back to your quilting and I can enjoy seeing it, lol!

  7. Bless you heart.....being sick is no fun and especially when it's the weekend. Glad you're feeling better. About the projects....I'm always losing something only to realize it's right there or I didn't need it.....all you can do is laugh at yourself....

  8. oh I feel so bad you were sick on your days off...I love the block!

  9. I have about 5 BOM's that I'm behind on, so yes, it happens to me too. Cute little cookie block!


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