Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What's the BEST Thing . . .

. . . about staying up half the night a couple nights in a row to quilt? When you're ready to collapse and hit the sack early, you have a nice new quilt to snuggle under!

I think "snuggle's" the wrong word, but it sounds good, doesn't it? I wish it WAS snuggle weather! Instead, we're getting smoke from the Northern California fires again--it almost looks like fog at times--and our temps are generally up around 110 degrees. I don't think our air conditioner even goes low enough to reach "snuggle" temps, but I can pretend, can't I?

Tonight's Thimbleberries Club meeting was awesome--as always! Our group is made up of a great bunch of gals and I really enjoy spending time with them and seeing what everyone's been doing.

The meeting finished a bit early, and it's a good thing too because I'm about ready to go to sleep for about 20 hours. I zipped through the McDonald's drive thru on the way home and picked up a self-indulgent, high fat dinner as my "reward" for completing the quilt. I would just pat myself on the back, but my stiff and sore shoulders and neck won't allow it right now, so I settled for a burger and fries. Hey, a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do, right?!

And here's how I'll spend the rest of the night--

I've signed up to swap a Thimbleberries mini Christmas quilt, so I've collected quite a few of my older Thimbleberries Christmas books to hunt for a pattern and/or inspiration. These will come to bed with me. I'd prefer a muscle ripped pool boy (and a pool to go with him) but there doesn't seem to be any hanging around right now so I'll go with the quilt books. I guess this is just one of those nights when I have to settle for the next best thing.

And just in case I can't find anything I like in THOSE books, I've pulled out a few of the Thimbleberries pint size books.

And because I COULDN'T go to our club meeting and not buy anything, I brought home a couple charm packs of the new fall fabric, Harvest Reflections, and some suitable border fabric from the line. And since I was up on my little ladder in the Sweat Shop, looking through my Thimbleberries books anyway, I pulled out a couple fall books.

I used to buy every Thimbleberries book that came out, but they started getting a little repetitive, so I've only been buying a few. But that would explain my rather extensive "library" of Thimbleberries books. By the way, the new hard cover book celebrating 20 years of Thimbleberries is a nice one to add to any collection--besides the quilts, the photos and Lynette Jensen's thoughts on vintage collectibles make for yummy reading, particularly if you've succumbed to the lure of the thrift store like a $10 hooker to crack. But I digress.

Tonight, once I've exhausted my capacity to indulge in all things Thimbleberries, I have this new Australian Patchwork and Quilting magazine to read and Tylenol PM to take. Not that I think I'll have trouble going to sleep, but the Tylenol should help the aches and pains and the PM part will help me sleep longer than five hours. Sorry for the slightly blurry photos tonight. Or is it my blood-shot, slightly blurry eyes?

I hope you too can find time to indulge in the things you enjoy! I'm glad you dropped in!


  1. .....I think you are running hot - like your weather....busy busy busy!!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. congrats on finishing it! it looks great

  4. Wow, that turned out so great, Kim. I'm so glad to see it finished!!! I'll give you a cyber pat on the back since your arm and neck are way too sore! Congrats on another completion.

  5. Your quilt is just gorgeous! I am sure you will love having it on your bed so you can admire your handiwork. I wanted to thank you for posting about The Wilderness books. I am always looking for something for my mother to read, so I checked them out of the library and she loves them.

  6. Your new quilt is fantastic! So, what are you planning for your birthday month??? Inquiring (and snoopy) minds want to know!!!!

  7. Beautiful quilt. It will be snuggle weather soon enough, then we'll be asking for the warm weather to come back.

  8. Georgous. and glad it is finally finished. Looks great on your bed.
    Hope you get a good sleep now.

  9. Great finish and enough inspiration for the swap I'd say. So you've added another deadline..*lol*

  10. Kim great looking quilt Awesome. Now to go look for mine and see if I can finish an old swap too Thanks for inspiring.

  11. It's gorgeous, Kim! Such an original setting :) Like Sharon Mac, I need to dig my blocks out and start working on it. Just have to remember WHERE I put my green blocks - they're not with the others...

  12. Wow, it turned out GREAT, Kim! I love how you set the blocks, offsetting the rows vertically and then having the extra flower in the center row. Congratulations! Oh, and if you come up with a ripped pool boy, let me know because I could use one, too! LOL

  13. What a adorable quilt. 110 degrees - YUCKO I won't complain about 85 degrees, LOL. I have several of those TBerrie books also. I find those books great for patterns, hints and decorating ideas. I've toured her home a few times during Main Streets quilt retreat a few years ago. WOWZERS I could have moved in, besides all the wonderful quilts around her decor was right up my alley. I to have stopped by her books - to many old ones redone. But I did buy the new hardcover - for inspiration. Hope you had a wonderful night sleep and feel less sore - lots of work but it turned out beautifully.

    Hugs - Karen

  14. The quilt is fabulous! I love the quilting and the binding. The binding adds a great touch.

    110! We're going to be up that way in August - I hope the hot weather is finished by then. Yeah, right! I've lived in California long enough to know better.

  15. what a wonderful quilt! I'm so sorry you're too sore for a happy dance. You deserve a booty boogie for this one!

  16. Lovely quilt....good for you on finishing... You not only deserved all your fabric purchases, but Micky D's on top of it....

  17. I. LOVE. IT!!! Okay, I was going to send you an email, BUT couldn't find one for you, so I'll have to just ask you here....would you, could you, pretty please with sugar on it...ROFL...let me know what size blocks your hollyhock 'flowers' are? I really really do just LOVE it...and I too have MOST of Thimbleberries' books...and like you...the last couple of years decided she was getting pretty repetitive with her patterns. :) You did an awesome job with this quilt, Kim! Sweet dreams, my friend! :D (Oh, and I do hope those fires stay far away from you!!)

  18. I have been sent to check out your blog, and i love it! i am on a search for apron patterns, and maybe even wuilt patterns. I read your older post and i too have the apron book , but i would like to make some other aprons, but i dont have any cute ideas =D Good job on the quilt it is beautiful

  19. I found your blog thru Kristie in NJ...Your quilt looks wonderful!
    I love everything Thimbleberries too and have been doing the new Pint Size Traditions club thru Main St Cotton Shop....
    I will bookmark your blog so I can keep a track of all your projects.
    Peggy in NJ

  20. my goodness girl you have been busy! hmm 110°?? I think I'll stay in Wisconsin!

  21. Kim, Aren't you such an angel. When I saw the quilt on Wednesday, I knew you would put a picture up for all of us to see. Like you, I have made the simple version using those 5-inch blocks and was waiting patiently for the alternative veresion from Pam, but I might just be set on your version. Thanks for putting up the picture. I loved seeing those vintage fabrics and the quilt looks great on your bed.

  22. Kim, Aren't you such an angel. When I saw the quilt on Wednesday, I knew you would put a picture up for all of us to see. Like you, I have made the simple version using those 5-inch blocks and was waiting patiently for the alternative veresion from Pam, but I might just be set on your version. Thanks for putting up the picture. I loved seeing those vintage fabrics and the quilt looks great on your bed.

  23. Your quilt looks wonderful on your bed. What a super project, from start to finish, in such a short time. Last night I did the same thing you did after your meeting. I was pulling books out of drawers and cupboards looking for the perfect baby quilt, and string quilts. I also was cleaning out catalogs while I was making a mess. I finally went to bed, but I wanted to stay up and clean up my mess. I finished that this morning. It certainly was not as much fun as making the mess!

  24. Congrats on finishing this one, it's beautiful, love it!


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