Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ms. Boring McBore

I'm feeling awfully boring today, so I thought I'd warn you right up front in case you don't want to waste your time reading further.

I had a voicemail when I got into the office this morning from the boy boss, who was on his way to the hospital "to get his baby." Apparently there must have been a really long line at the baby checkout counter because by the end of the day, the only word we had was that they should have a baby by midnight, so presumably by now, the population of Sacramento has grown by one male child. Do I know what they planned to name him? I do not. Why? Because I'm lame! Actually, from what I understand, they still hadn't made up their minds on a name as of this past weekend. Maybe that's what's taking so long: I know hospitals don't like to let babies leave until they have names, and these days I think hospitals are kicking babies out about 45 minutes after birth, aren't they? So that could account for the hold up.

I talked to the girl boss before I left work tonight, and she survived the first day of the Nevada bar. One down, two to go.

I also called home before I left work to see if Spike would answer the phone, but no dice. I just got Hubby who wasn't sure where Spike was, but I guess she was too busy to come to the phone and chat. Or meow, as the case may be.

About the only thing I accomplished today--aside from work--was to get the center square for the Thimbleberries BOM appliqued. Oh, yeah--and I decided I needed some more of the background fabric, so I found the Lakeside/Lodge fabrics on sale online and ended up ordering something like, oh, I think maybe 12 yards (not, of course, all background fabric). For a mini BOM. A mini BOM that is largely done already. I guess it was a weak moment.

You probably heard about the SoCal earthquake, right? One nice thing about Sacramento is that in the 23 years we've lived here, we haven't had an earthquake--knock on wood! Then again, I know of at least one SoCal blogger who was in her car and didn't even feel it! Crazy, huh?! I just hope they don't have any big aftershocks.

Well, that's about it for me tonight--time to get ready for bed because tomorrow's another day and hopefully the boy boss will have his baby by then. Thanks for visiting!


  1. One boy (still no name) - 10:41pm - 8lbs. 3oz.

    the boy boss

  2. I,m sure all those yards will come to good use some day! And if not they do insulate the house!!!

  3. Congratulations to the boy boss and his wife.
    Better be careful now what you say since "HE" is reading your blog.

    I know you are just helping the economy.

  4. You're still pretty darn entertaining even if you feel boring! ;-)

    LOVE, love, love.. the center block you made, big improvement on the design.

    Congratulations to the boy boss on baby boy!

  5. You are so funny....it would take me several days to complete the applique on that center block. The energizer bunny has nothing on you. The block looks perfect with your other blocks. You really have a gift of design!

  6. The middle block looks great! We felt the earthquake - man, it was a long rolling one. No damage.

  7. Your center block adds a lot to your already very pretty quilt. Congrats to boy boss and Cleo would like to call Spike and chat.

  8. Congratulations to boy boss, baby boy boss and baby boy boss mama. The adventure of your lives has begun. Ignore the "just you wait" sayers. Enjoy every minute because one thing experienced parents are right about is that they grow too fast.

    Kim, even when you're feeling boring you're a highlight of my blog day. Your productivity is really an inspiration, and your "vision" really appeals to me. I haven't seen a thing yet that you've done that I didn't fall in love with. Thank you so much for writing here, even on days when I would guess you didn't feel like it.

  9. Congrats to the boy boss and his wife! Sending positive vibes to the girl boss too! I love the sailboat as the center - it gives it a totally different look!

  10. I'm enjoying seeing your TB quilt come together in a much smaller version. Your blog entry was anything but boring! Spike! Where are you??? Too much fun!

  11. Congratulations to everyone.

    I too, love your center block. I may decide to change the center block of my large size TB quilt! Can I copy you? I also love your Hollyhock Garden quilt. In fact, I love everything you do. Have you sent pictures to Lynette yet? (It was suggested a while back)

  12. Hi Kim,
    Congratulations to the boy boss and his wife on the safe arrival of their new baby...

    Congratulations to you for winning the special prize from Sharon-

    As for 12 yards for a miniatures - wow you should be able to make a few with that yardage LOL
    Your applique is a lovely addition to your project..

    You may be many things but boring is not the word I would use to describe your blog- funny friendly and entertaining...
    I will forward to your next posting....

  13. What?? YOU boring??NEVER!!! And yes I felt nothing for the second time. LOLOLOL!!!!


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