Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cooking With Susan Branch

I spent a good part of the day today cooking. Every now and then, I get in the mood--particularly when I've been browsing my Susan Branch cookbooks as I did the other day. I had picked up two of her cookbooks at the thrift store--an amazing find! This was one of them--

Hubby got in the mood too, and whipped up pumpkin/walnut/coconut muffins for breakfast. He's a very enthusiastic cook at times, as evidenced by the pumpkin I found on the kitchen ceiling later in the afternoon. No, I didn't get a photo of that, darn it! At 6 feet 2 inches tall, at least he was able to clean it off easily.

First of all, I roasted a chicken and portioned it out for various meals this week, and then I made a batch of chicken soup with what was left. Hubby likes to eat soup for lunch sometimes. So there are a couple of this week's dinners pretty much taken care of.

Now about those Susan Branch cookbooks I found at the thrift store--I'm going to give one away, Heart of the Home. I already had both of the cookbooks I found at the thrift store, but I thought I'd buy them anyway and then share them with you because there really are some wonderful recipes in her books and the illustrations are quite charming. I'll give the other one away later--when I feel like cooking again!

From the Heart of the Home cookbook, I whipped up the Green Beans and Onions recipe which went nicely with the Lemon Chicken recipe. Both are fairly simple and quick. And corn on the cob of course--the fresh corn right now is so yummy, it finds its way onto our plates several times a week.

I also made Susan Branch's cheesecake--not quite so fast and simple, but OH SO INCREDIBLY WORTH IT! I topped it with fresh raspberries in a simple syrup.

If you'd like me to put your name in the drawing for the Heart of the Home cookbook, please leave me a comment telling me you want in. If you want to just come over and eat my cheesecake, let me know and I'll put the coffee on. But you'd better hurry, because this is just too darn good to last!

July 24th: Comments closed now--will draw a winner soon!


  1. Ohh, I'd love to win just for the raspberry cheesecake recipe! My husband would stay married to me forever for that alone. ;)

  2. Kim - the lemon chicken recipe sounds so delicious that I enlarged the picture and wrote it down myself - I'd love to win the cookbook - if the rest of the recipes sound as delicious as the lemon chicken my family will be in seventh heaven

  3. Oh pleeeeeeeeeeeasae pick me. I have been trying to find Susan Branch stuff in Australia with no luck. Managed to find her website that I can order from if I live in the US. Boo hoo. Still no joy.

  4. of course I want to come over for the cheesecake right now!
    one of my favorites and raspberries...well my kind of dessert!
    I would love to win this cookbook, getting tired of cooking the same thing and everything looks so delicious that you and DH made.
    I love Susan Branch's illustrations would make it extra special just to look thru at all the drawings on the pages!

  5. What quilter wouldn't like a new cookbook. I just told DH last night I am so sick of cooking and eating the same ole stuff. I can pick up the book when I come over for a piece of that lush Cheesecake. LOL!

    Linda Z

  6. I'd love to be in the draw for the cookbook...everything sounds delicious and even though I don't like cheesecake, everyone else in my family does!

  7. Count me in! Your meal looks scrumptious.

  8. I'd love to come over and eat your cheesecake but it is a long drive. Maybe I should make my own.

  9. Oooh, I'd love to enter your give-away!

    nancy, near philadelphia

  10. Ooo-Ooo -- pick me, pick me! Or, here's another idea: you can adopt me and I promise to keep my room clean!

  11. I want to come over and eat some cheesecake. I don't need very much, as cheesecake is not my favorite. Will it last for a couple of weeks? That's when I'll be up there. ;)

  12. Oh, I'd love a new cookbook. Count me in.

  13. OK, I want both! Yes, my name in the drawing for the cookbook and I want to come over for a slice of cheesecake! :-)

  14. well you know I'm in LOL pick me pick me! xoxo melzie

  15. Look like wonderful cookbooks, I would love to be in the drawing!

  16. Kim,
    I love your blog, your quilts, and your sense of humor. I also love Susan Branch and would love to be included in the chance to win one of her books.
    Thanks for the laughs and inspiration.
    Sharon in Florida

  17. I would love to be entered in the drawing for the cookbook....and I'm on my way over for cheesecake and coffee, so go ahead and put the pot on! :D

  18. OOOHHH, pick me, PLEASE!!! That food looks absolutely YUMMY!!

    Robin in VA

  19. Of course I want in, but really why bother with all this when you could just put it in the scrap box you are already sending to me??!! (Put that cheesecake in there too, BTW)

  20. Please count me in the drawing. I've seen Susan's fabric and quilt patterns, but I had no idea that she had cookbooks out.

  21. Kim I have been looking for the right lemon chicken recipe and I think this might be it. Hope you pull my name. If not, there's more than one way to skin a chicken.

  22. Oh my goodness! Yum Yum! Yes please put my name in for the drawing and I'll be right over for some cheesecake. I'm not much of a coffee drinker though, so I'll stop by Trader Joes via Alabama (LOL) and pick up some ice cold skim milk!

  23. Oh!! I love Susan Branch!! I would love to win the cookbook!
    It would be used in my kitchen often.

  24. Put my in the drawing for the cookbook and put the coffee on. I'll stop by on my home from work. chris

  25. Hi Kim,
    What a beautiful cheesecake- it looks so yummy as does the chicken.
    I would love to win the cookbook- please put my name in for your draw.

  26. that cheesecake looks like it would be worth the air fare to get there!.....would love to win the book......your thrift store rocks!! Nothing like that in the stores I frequent..perhaps when I come over for the cheesecake we can go shopping as well....

  27. Kim, that cheesecake looks sooo good. Please add my name to the drawing for the Susan Branch cookbook.

  28. Kim,
    I would love to win a cook book. Your table looked so nice. Thanks for the fun blog to read. See you at the Hollow. Marylin Tucker

  29. Hmmm...I think that is the one Susan Branch cookbook that I don't have! That cheesecake looks divine!

  30. I'd rather just come over and eat with you or . . you can come here and cook for me! :)

  31. WOW look at you Miss Martha!!! That meal looks yummy. Weight Watchers has left me STARVING. LOL!!! I already have the cookbook but just wanted to say HEY!!
    How many days left till you turn 39???

  32. Hi Kim. The recipe book sounds lovely. When you put my name in,then I am sure someone else will win!

    Just wandered in to your blog today to tell you that I have 3 rows of my Hometown Christmas done.
    I was oh,so successful! My fairy-godmother (my mother-in-law of whom I am so blessed) bought me a new sewing machine and I have busy sewing up a storm.

    I'd love to come by for cheesecake, but you are probably in bed at this hour of 11:00 o'clock in the evening.

    Have a lovely day tomorrow.

  33. I love a giveaway and better yet your sense of humor! I too am a thrift shop finds gal.....I hadn't found the book and would love it. Mary


  35. WOW! some delicious food there and a lot of people wanting the cook book. But then so so I, LOL. Stopped at thrift store on the way home from the bank. they sure had a lot of goodies out but I didn'thave time to look so I'm going back there in a couple of hours. Maybe I'll have some of your good luck in finding something I can't live without.


  36. You know, I actually lust after the Prairie Paisley quilt in the picture instead of the food or the cookbook. You did a wonderful job on it.

  37. oh Kim pick me! I love cookbooks, collect them and don't have Susan Branch! Now for that cheesecake, yummy!!! If you were close I would definitely be over for a piece!!!

  38. OK girl I'm coming over for cheesecake. I'm a big fan of hers and have several of her cookbooks. So don't put me in for this drawing because I have it - but a big old slice of that cake sounds mighty good, so slide over and make room, LOL

    Hugs - Karen

  39. Hi Kim, I discovered your blog through Lorraine from Grannyloz - I love to cook too and am a great fan of Susan Branch. I'll be over for coffee and cheesecake(if you have any left) it looks so incredibly yummy, but I may be a little while as I'm coming from Melbourne. Tina D

  40. oh wow can I be in the draw please this book sounds yummy
    hugs Beth

  41. Hi Kim,
    I would love to be included in the drawing! That Raspberry cheese cake looks amazing... even if I don't win, I would love to get the recipe for the cheese cake. Thanks! Imelda from Thimbleberries Club

  42. Oh I am such a fan of Susan Brach. How big a fan did you ask...well, I just got the email that her shop is closing and I am on my way to enjoy it ONE more time (G)!!!! Thanks for the chance to win the book. XXX Annie from San Diego

  43. Oh my goodness that cheesecake looks amazing! (can you tell I'm obsessed by food?). Please count me in for the cookbook!!
