Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Birthday and Other "Stuff"

First of all--because I know you're all anxiously waiting--I had 38 entries for the Susan Branch cookbook raffle. When my son stopped by today, I asked him to pick a number from 1 to 38, and he picked 15. He's not very original--I think that's the same number he picked last time! Anyway, entry number 15 was by Karrin Hurd, a local Sacramentan, although we've never met in person. Karrin, please email me your snail mail address and I'll get the book out to you next week--Congratulations! And thanks to the rest of you for entering. I have another Susan Branch book to giveaway in a couple weeks--as soon as I get in the mood to cook again!

My birthday was nice. No fireworks or Mojito baths, but it was a nice, relaxing day, and that's exactly what I was hoping for. In fact, today was much the same. Just spending time doing whatever I felt like doing.

On the sewing front, I've been working on a couple minis but I can't show you just yet because one of them is for a swap that my online Thimbleberries group is doing, and I don't want to ruin the surprise. You'll have to wait until the end of the month when we all get to open our packages--then I'll post photos.

Speaking of opening packages, my good friend Eileen sent me a box of birthday goodies. I had them half unwrapped before it occurred to me to stop and take a photo, but everything in the box was wrapped with different colored tissue paper. There were some Mary Engelbreit goodies--note cards, stickies, and such. And then she sent this apron that her daughter had actually made for her sometime back, but she thought I'd enjoy it hanging on my peg in the kitchen--isn't it cute?! I just love the red!

And Eileen sent this fat quarter bundle--a bunch of great colors, all with a subtle "mesh" type of print--just enough print to give the fabric some texture. These will be great for applique or a "color study"-type quilt.

I also opened a package from my Blogland friend Yvonne. Strickly speaking, it wasn't a birthday present, but I told her I was going to consider it one. Awhile back I won some rulers in a giveaway she was doing and she told me she was sending them with a little something else she had made for me, so when I received the package last week, I decided to wait and open it on my birthday.

Look at this tote she made! Isn't that great?! I just love it! If you click on her name above and then scroll down a bit on her blog, she has some good photos of another tote she made using the same pattern but different fabric. Yvonne has a couple cats and wrote me a little note about cat hair--not that I noticed any, but boy was my cat Spike interested in sniffing and rubbing up against this tote!

Oh! And here's my birthday cake--Strawberry White Chocolate Mousse Cake:

It's kind of funny, but I'll confess I went to the bakery and bought it myself! I've realized after 28 years of marriage that Hubby just doesn't "get" the whole birthday cake thing, so this year I bought my own. And I found out he hadn't made any cake plans anyway--which came as absolutely no surprise!

But, just so you don't think he's a slacker, I woke up yesterday to find a card from him propped up against a chocolate chip muffin; on the front of the card was a note to look in the refrigerator, and in the refrigerator was a bottled Starbucks Frappucino. See? Yes, he thinks of me and makes plans, but he just doesn't quite cover ALL the bases, so I have to help him out a little bit!

Today I got out of the house for a little while and visited two Goodwill stores. I found nothing that interested me in the first one, but I found a couple things in the second.

I LOVED this old school desk/chair and wanted to take it home--and for $10 the price was right; but I realized I had nowhere to put it, darn it! It sure brought back memories, though! Instead, I brought home this little Scotch tape dispenser--it will go to work with me when I go back on Monday.

I'm "itching" to pull out some charm packs and start something new, so maybe I'll do that tomorrow or Saturday. I DO remember that I said I'd do a tutorial on that star quilt; I'll try to do that before too long too, so check back. But I'm not pushing myself or making too many plans--I'm just relaxing and doing whatever feels like fun!

Thanks again for all the birthday wishes! I just wish you could have come over for some birthday cake!


  1. I'd love to come for cake...that just looks yummy. Glad you had such a great day.

  2. What a cake, How much is left? Think I can make it before it's all gone.? Glad you are having such a good relaxing vacation.

  3. happy belated birthday! we are practically twins! Mine was the 18th. Looks like you got some great stuff from some great people! nice job on the starbucks in the fridge!!!!

  4. Since you're sitting around doing nothing - LOL - I'll be by later for some birthday cake. It looks yummy!

    I'd say your hubby is a keeper!

    A very nice birthday, indeed.

  5. Great gifts, and if Ithought there was any cake left, I would get in the car! Love that purse. Good to hear you had a happy happy BD!

  6. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday! Is there any cake left? I'll bring you a coffee......

  7. Happy Birthday dear Kim! What nice gifts you received! Love the apron from Eileen and the tote from Yvonne. Imagine finding a sewing machine tape dispenser!

  8. I am glad you had a great birthday!!

  9. Ack! Missed your b'day.... Happy belated one, Kim!


  10. What a wonderful birthday! I love the treasures from Eileen, and the bag from Yvonne is beautiful! I would've bought that desk for sure, even though I had no place to put it, either. $10 is a steal! Love the tape dispenser. Your birthday cake looks yummy delicioso!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!