Friday, July 18, 2008

Ah! NOW it's the Weekend!

Here we are, at the start of the weekend--finally! If you've been reading along this week, you know it's been a long one. Here are a couple things I didn't tell you about.

Remember all that cleaning and organizing I did last weekend? Well, I filled a black plastic garbage bag with old bedding, tablecloths, and other things for donation to Goodwill. During my lunch hour on Monday, I headed over there to drop off my bag and check for new treasures. I found a couple small things, but what really caught my eye were some of the items being dropped off for donation around back of the store. Of course, you can't buy anything until it's been received into the back room and marked with a price, so I knew it would take a day or two for those treasures to make their way onto the shelves. What really startled me, though, was that the shelves at the store were half bare! Well, I suppose even Goodwill has to do a good clean out every now and then. When I went out to my car to leave--I had parked around back near the donation drop off--I noticed a bunch of bins out at the back of the parking lot marked "TRASH." I was SOOOOOO tempted to go digging through those bins, but I figured Goodwill wouldn't have approved, and I had to get back to work anyway. It just about broke my thrifting heart, I'm telling you!

Well, yesterday when I went to lunch and headed to the gas station for gas, I was toying with the idea of going over to Goodwill to see if those things I'd seen had made it onto the shelves yet. Of course, I never made it. I DID go today though, and one of the items I spotted on Monday was there waiting for me! Here's a photo--

It's not just a treasure but a treasure chest! I think it will look great on top of either our entertainment center in the living room or the armoire in our bedroom--maybe with quilts spilling out of it.

On the quilting front, I've been working on a top-secret project. Here are the main blocks, although in this photo they aren't arranged the way they will be eventually--I just thought I'd show you this much to let you know that I haven't abandoned the Sweat Shop.

I'm not quite certain what's in store for the weekend, but I'm pretty sure it will involve some quilting and cooking, and I do believe there may well be a little giveaway posted before the weekend's over. But first of all, I plan to do some serious sleeping in on Saturday! Of course, the cats may have other ideas, so we'll just see who wins that battle. Sadly, it's usually the furry four-legged creatures, but after this past week, I'm pretty motivated! (I realized after writing that sentence that I'm probably just as furry-legged as the cats. Maybe a Saturday Day of Beauty will be added to the weekend events calendar!)

I'm pleased I was able to amuse some of you with my tales this week, both true and made up. One of the great things about blogging is that when things go wrong in life, you can at least know that NOW you'll have something to write about!--And Blogland friends who will read what you write, leave you nice comments, and make everything seem not quite so bad after all! Thanks for visiting!


  1. Kim Love the chest. You find the best things. Again thanks for some great laughs this week

  2. Neat chest, How big??

    Those blocks look neat also. Will be waiting to see what you do with them.
    Have a good weekend,

  3. My goodness, you've been busy! Lovely quilts you're working on! I just love the treasures you find. Nothing like that around here. Keep well!

  4. Love the treasure chest. It would look great with quilts spilling out of it. hmmmm, I think that I need to find something like that for the hearth by my fireplace.
    I am glad that you made it to the weekend. Enjoy!!
    Oh, love the new quilt blocks too, can't wait to see what you create with them. Are you going to be doing the tutorial on your star quilt soon?

  5. That new quilt is very pretty! I forgot about the star tutorial. I'm looking forward to it as well.

  6. GIRL let me tell you, because I already know from how you crack me up that we are long lost soul sisters, that I use to dumpster dive. (too lazy now and gas is too high to cruise around lol) And MY goodwill (don't know about yours) would throw out unopened trash bags of donations. I don't konw if they were too lazy to do it or just had way too much but I got a TON of free junk via their trash, so next time your radar is going off GO FOR IT (and bring your camera so you can blog it LOL).

    your sneak peak is gorgeous, such pretty colors. xoxo melzie

  7. omgawd I am at work and my work email is hijacking me, its me melzie LOLOL

  8. That's why we love you - you make those everyday mundane things shine the way they should, with a giggle and not trauma! Lifes too short not to laugh........

  9. I never find stuff like that at the thrift shop!! and I have been looking!!! hope your weekend is going along nicely.....I am in count down mode for a six day break from work (well two of those are the weekend....) so a three day (working) week looms ahead...have a bit to do then off to a three day workshop in the Riverland about three hours from here...(Barossa Valley in South Australia)......then home and day at home to "recuperate" for that sleep!! before going back to will all be over before I know it so am savouring every minute!!


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