Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Here's What I've Been Doing . . .

Today was the girl boss's last day at work before taking time off to get married and then study for and take a bar examination in a neighboring state. She planned to work until 1 p.m. but told me at around 11:25 that she thought she'd leave in a little while. She came back to my desk at around 11:27, purse and whatever else gathered into her arms and said she was leaving--she was like a kid on the last day of school! She's gone now until August.

Remember that question I had a few weeks back about what was the right thing to do as far as getting her a wedding gift and/or organizing an office bridal shower? As it turned out, the "office" gave her a little party last Friday with cake and beverages and a few nice gifts, and we all signed a card. Based on the majority of your responses, that seemed to be all that was really "required" of me. Thanks for your input!

I decided last night that I was going to cut back on the thrift store shopping. Sure, I only spend maybe around $10 when I go, but when you go once--sometimes twice--a day, the cost can add up! At work this morning, I started thinking about what I was going to do during my lunch hour and I realized I hadn't brought my applique with me or any books or magazines to read. So what did I do? Yeah, I hit the thrift store for old times sake! Well, I thought about going over to Borders to buy a book or magazine but I have plenty here at home that I haven't read yet, so I decided if I was going to spend money, it might as well be on something I don't already have, right? Like all the junk treasures waiting for me at Goodwill! Hubby, by the way, has advised me that our treasure chest is full to overflowing, so I thought it best to leave my bags in the trunk of my car for now. And don't tell me YOU haven't done the same thing once or twice! ROFLOL!

Tonight when we came home from work, we had a message on our answering machine from a woman who identified herself as Mrs. Purannial (or something like that) with a phone number in the 570 area code. She was calling to advise us that "as promised, Don's employer has been contacted as to his immoral behavior." We don't know anyone named Don, but we're awfully curious now! Do any of you know a naughty man named Don who presumably lives in Pennsylvania? Or maybe Don lives in New York--our area code is 916, but there's 716, 914, and 917 in New York. Well, at least it was entertaining. Poor Don, though--she didn't sound like a very nice person. I'm very tempted to call her back and get her correct name and tell her I've written about her call in my blog. Do you think she'd just die, or what?!

I think a couple of you were hoping I'd make the Schnibbles Hat Trick quilt soon because you'd like to win the pattern. I think that's what I've decided to make next with blue and white fabrics. I also picked out a blue, white, and yellow fabric to use for the setting triangles and squares. I may tweek the fabric selection some, but here's what I pulled out of my stash:

Those blues look awfully dark in the photo. They ARE on the darkish side, but in the photo they look nearly black! I actually thought I might pick out a few lighter blues, but there was absolutely nothing on TV I was interested in watching, so I called it a night and turned out the lights in the Sweat Shop. Now the day's nearly over and I'm ready to go to bed and read for a little bit. (Mental note to self: Bring something to do during the lunch hour tomorrow.) I'm glad you could stop by for a visit!


  1. Seems to me that with that pattern you need those dark blues. Lots of contrast. Cute pattern. I see what you mean by 9 patches. Go for it.

    You didn't mention a thing that you took home from the thift shop. Guess it's it's still hiding in the trunk.

  2. Kim, I do the same thing on my lunch hour, it's much more fun to go shop somewhere than to eat lunch in the break room. I've thought the same thing that perhaps I should bring some sewing or a book or something instead of going out and spending money, and not just on stuff but on food too, that adds up. I've also left a bag on occasion in the trunk of my car. Have fun making the Hat Trick quilt, I have that pattern too, love those Snibbles patterns.

  3. I can't wait to see that Blue Schnibble - great colors! Do you get a bit of a breather now at work with your girl gone?

  4. Those fabrics are going to make a wonderful quilt, I think.
    The wrong number phone message is a riot! We got one from overseas that was a wrong number and they left an enormously long message -- none of which we could understand! I often wonder if they were waiting for a call back from someone.

  5. Kim, you megged me into going to the thrift store closest to my home. I came home with only one thing, a cute sunflower dish deal that fits right into my rooster kitchen. I also saw a couple of other things I liked but had written my last check at JoAnn's and it is cash or check only. I only had $4 cash. I may have to go back, isn't that what you would do? LOL However, I am thinking that you are finding better stuff in your town that I've ran across lately. BTy, who doesn't leave stuff in the trunk?


  6. Don't tell the Oh! Bearded One but I often leave bags in the boot(trunk) of my car when I have been shopping - LOL


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!