Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hat Trick Raffle!

Leave a comment on this post to be entered into the raffle for this Schnibbles pattern:

I'll draw a winner Wednesday night.


  1. pick me....pick me.....that pattern looks kinda cool......but where is the quilt top pic??

  2. that is a cool pattern... count me in...

  3. Hi i like this pattern very much.

    Greetings from Debby

  4. Oh yes! I would like to win that pattern!

  5. I like how you set the Snibbles pattern in your top. But I really love your BOM. I've been thinking about buying a role of batting, too. I have way to many tops and maybe I'd finish more if I had the batting on hand. Where did you purchase your roll?

  6. Hi, I don't normally post, I just lurk! I love that pattern though!

  7. Love the pattern. Put me in the drawing.

  8. Oh, I'll take my chance at winning this pattern. Yours really turned out nice.

  9. Your quilt from this pattern turned out great!

  10. You're right about your priorities: I kicked one of the offspring out, re-arranged the bedrooms and tadááá: I have a sewingroom now!*lol*
    If overseas entries are allowed: count me in for the pattern. If not:delete my entry!

  11. I love the way you take these little patterns and add your own flair to them. You inspire me to try new things. I hope that I win this one.
    Out with the boy child and in with the batting! LOL

  12. Your quilt top is beautiful. I love the blue and white.

    Please enter my name in the drawing.

    I've been busy coordinating a quilt show and haven't been able to "talk" to you in the past few weeks. I've been keeping up, though, even if I have to read 4 days at a time. lol

  13. Wow Kim! Love your completed Hat Trick top in the next post! Love how you got the border fabric to meet in the corners. Your blog is an everyday read for me - it picks me up. Yes, please enter me in your drawing.

    Beth in AL

  14. (((skidding back into the world...)))))
    Pick me, pick me!! Gee, I miss a couple of days and you've finished another one??

  15. Wow Kim! I love your quilt! I'd love the pattern, but better yet, let me win the quilt! You have great "Vision". I love the way you add sashing and borders to make it your own. All I can do is follow a pattern or a picture!


  16. Kim, I love the changes you made to the pattern! Please pick me, as I love, love, love all the Miss Rosie's patterns, but don't have this one. Linda

  17. What a neat little pattern and I SOOOOOO love what you did with it. I love the blue/white. Toss my name in the bucket to please 8)

  18. Kim, What a great way to share patterns. You might be single-handedly putting these sweet little patterns in the hands of so many quilters. I had only one until you showed your little star quilt at our Thimbleberries meeting this month. Now I have 2 patterns. I love Miss Rosie's Quilt company As always, you are an inspiration!


  19. Great pattern. Please count me in the draw.

  20. Count me in!!! I just love the pattern!

  21. Pick ME!! Pick ME!! I love this pattern....

    It would be fun to keep this one going..I will give it away on my blog after using it...

  22. Yes, please...... I would love to give Hat-trick a new home here at the farm. With 3 cats and 3 dogs, I am sure it would feel most welcome. (The five horses would enjoy it too, but they don't fit into the theme....)

  23. Great pattern! Great quilt top! Love your colors!

  24. Wow, what a productive weekend. Great interpretation of the pattern. Put my name into the hat for the pattern please

  25. I'd like to try that pattern. Your quilt looks great.

  26. Kim, Love your Hat Trick color selection. By all means count me in. Thanks for sharing.

  27. Your hat trick top turned out great. I especially like the border fabric you chose, it really adds the finishing touch. I would love to win the pattern, I'm a big fan of those Schnibbles patterns.

  28. Hi Kim. I'm so far behind on reading all my fav blogs. Count me in for the drawing. Your quilt top looks great!

  29. Glad to see that your thrifting has a textile theme. Wish we had a goodwill. salvation army, something.

  30. Cute quilt you made out of a cute pattern!

  31. I just got to my blogging it's been crazy busy.. I may have missed the entry, but that pattern is way cute!!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!