Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Hairy Tale

As I was climbing out of my bath last night, getting ready for bed, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. To my horror, I saw I had a WHITE HAIR sticking out of my otherwise brown eyebrows. Here I am, only slightly past my "best if used by" date, and my eyebrows are going white! And when did that happen? If you're of a certain age, no doubt you're familiar with the odd occurrence of the occasional abnormally long hair. Sometimes they appear on chins, sometimes eyebrows, sometimes . . . well, sometimes in places better left unmentioned. So this darn white hair was one of those long ones that sticks out above the rest, and I'm SURE it wasn't there a day or two before. Did it suddenly grow overnight? Or did an already longish hair turn white overnight? And, more importantly, does the occurrence of white hairs have anything to do with our son moving back home?!

You should have seen me frantically trying to pluck that thing out when I was already so tired I could barely see straight! I kept missing the one white hair and pulling out just about every other eyebrow hair around it! I'm afraid to look, but I think I might have a little bald spot in one of my eyebrows now.

And here's how the first real day of having our son home again started.

I had to wash my face with a dish towel because the kid made a dash for the shower--and the bathroom where the wash cloths are kept--just ahead of me.

A little later, as I was getting dressed, I heard my male offspring say, "Mom, I left my wallet at Johnnie's last night and I need gas. Do you have any money?" In his defense, though, he did pay me back. Mostly. Minus what he spent on donuts because he didn't want to use his debit card for some reason.

Oh, yeah, and then there was "Mom, do you have any hair gel?" Well, no, as a matter of fact I don't. I just have the four cans of shellac extreme hair spray I picked up at the hundred dollar store. He was happy enough with that though. I can see I'm going to have to go back to Target much sooner than I anticipated. I'm going to need more of that hair spray . . . and probably something to dye my eyebrows brown again. And I think it might be best if I don't look in the mirror tonight.


  1. At least you still have a sense of humor! My step-son moved back in a couple of weeks ago so boy, can I ever relate. We gave him 4 weeks to get a job and then a complementary trip to the homeless shelter. He thinks we're joking about that part... he's going to be mighty surprised when he finds out - we're not!


  2. To funny, You see you can't see the white ones on your head because you use that bottle.

    Bet you will find more of those long white ones now.

  3. I know what you mean. It's like some evil little fairy comes in overnight...you wake up with hair in your eyes and you don't have bangs! And you wonder how long you've been walking around with that hair on your chin? This is why we lose our minds as we get older...we won't have to worry about these things anymore!

  4. White hairs. Gotta love them. NOT!

  5. You're so funny Kim. Apparently you missed the memo -- once at "that age" all mirrors in the house should be removed!

  6. LOL! My younger (by 3 years) husband always teases me about covering my gray hairs, but about 2 months ago we were eating dinner (tacos) and it looked like he had a bit of sour cream in his goatee. I looked closer and found it was about 5 WHITE hairs in a cluster - I showed him this in the mirror and he totally freaked. He plucked all of them and then had a whole in his chin for 2 weeks - ha! The chagrin was marvelous...

  7. Ha, ha, I can relate to your sons return.
    I was an empty nester for 2 years while our son went to school, oh I mean had a great time at school, too great. Then our son returned, or was dragged home I should say. Every day he visits my bathroom and uses my good hairspray :(
    Hes a neat kid though, now attends school locally and works full time as well. Actually I love having him here again and I can tell you feel the same way!

  8. I sympathize with you about the white hairs. They always stick out at an odd angle and are 3X as long as any other hair. And I swear they grow overnight. At first I would pluck them from my eyebrows but nowdays I'd have to draw on Greta Garbo pencil eyebrows if I plucked the white ones. I just trim them to keep them in bounds.

  9. AAAACK sister I hear you on the stray white hairs that appear out of no where. It drives me insane because I can't always see them and then I wonder how long I've been strolling around looking like that, LOL

    Hugs - karen

  10. I hate to say it, but just you wait! My eyebrows are "disappearing" fast. And to think they used to meet in the middle! LOL


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