Friday, June 6, 2008

The Death of Inspiration

Tonight I'm not inspired--not artistically anyway. Nope. Inspired to commit murder maybe. I think it might be PMS. Or bipolar disorder. Same thing almost, right?

Hubby was off work today. As is my normal routine, I got up at 7:15 and played on the computer until 8, when it was time to scurry around getting ready for work. I went out to the garage to get something out of the dryer or something--I can't remember where I went, but I know I left the bedroom. And when I came back--when it was time to go into the bathroom and plug in the curling iron (the one that takes about 15 minutes to warm up)--the door to the bathroom was locked and the shower was going. About 15 minutes later, as I was mentally tapping my foot impatiently and glaring holes in the bathroom door, the shower turned off. I knew that meant hubby would vacate the bathroom momentarily and I could finish getting ready for work. Several minutes later, when I heard the electric razor start up, my head exploded I pounded furiously knocked on the door and politely inquired as to what the hell he thought he was doing in there?! After all, HE had nowhere to go, nowhere to be on time! And after being married for so many years--which had seemingly lasted at least one day too long--didn't he know my getting-ready-for-work routine?! Fast forward about 20 minutes, and I'm breaking all land speed records in an attempt to get to work on time. Didn't quite make it. Not a good way to start the day.

And the day didn't get much better, but nothing really memorable or entertaining happened--just a series of small frustrations I'd just as soon forget.

Tonight I've been wrestling with a wool purse. I knew I wanted to line it with fabric and I've been thinking over the past couple days about the best way to do that, because I knew the wool was WAAAAAY thicker than cotton fabric. So, last night I came up with a good idea, but then I promptly forgot it until now--now that I've done something completely different that's been frustrating the heck out of me. I'm sure what I've been doing will work out okay eventually, but I think my other idea would have worked better and been easier.

And you know what? I haven't quite worked it out in my mind yet, but I'm pretty sure that somehow the purse problem is hubby's fault. Maybe the bathroom thing caused a small cerebral tear which in turn made me forget the purse idea I had last night. Yeah, I bet that's it. Darn MEN!


  1. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. No work to go to. You can spend the whole day with dear hubby!!! LOL!!!!

  2. No, it will be better to get hubby OUT of the house.

    Hope a good sleep will help and that purse can get finished.

    I feel your frustation.Poor Kim.

  3. Ofcourse it's his fault! Duh!

  4. Having DH underfoot like that was extremely bad workday ju-ju and that's definitely what caused you to forget your great idea. As you stomp to the Sweat Shop today, toss that comment back over your shoulder, LOL.

  5. It must be something about husbands this week. Don't even get me started! lol!

  6. Wait... your bathroom door has a lock on it? Cool!

  7. That Quilting Bloggers link is awesome, isn't it? Love your little birdy bookends! And I can't get enough of the Prairie Paisley either. Your inspiration isn't dead, heat-stroke maybe, but not dead. Have a happy day!

  8. Absolutely it's your husbands fault! If he hadn't been so self centered you could have gotten to work on time, which would have made everything you did turn out right. You wouldn't be frustrated to the point of not being able to think properly and the lining would have fallen into the purse.

    Unfortunately, he doesn't know he did anything wrong, he will never know he did anything wrong, and you can never explain why what he did was wrong.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!