Monday, June 30, 2008

As Seen in the Bathroom

Back to work today. That pesky job sure gets in the way of my "real" life! But I guess it keeps me stocked with fabric, quilting goodies, and thrifted treasures, not to mention food, gas, and the roof over my head, so I suppose I shouldn't grumble too much. And, after all, Friday's the 4th of July holiday, so it's only a four-day work week followed by a three-day weekend. Yeah, I suppose I'll survive this week.

I haven't shown you much in the way of quilting lately, so I figured it's time for an update. Sometime last week, I decided I really ought to try to get caught up a bit on the Christmas List quilt. That thought was probably prompted by the realization that I had only done about half of the first block and July will bring our seventh block of the quilt. Yikes! So here's what I've done:

The first block--you've already seen this one, I think, but just in case you missed it--

I think I still want to add some black embroidery around that blue ribbon--the blue kind of fades into the green of the tree. The second block--I finished this one on Sunday--

The third "block" was actually some pieced pinwheels, some pieced checkerboard squares, and a few appliqued stars. I've skipped that one for the moment. I'd rather wait until later so I can use some of the leftover fabrics from the appliqued blocks. The fourth block--I finished this one tonight--

Now I have the fifth one cut out and about half prepped. Maybe by the end of the week, I'll have that one done too!

Another project I need to get caught up on is the Hometown Christmas Thimbleberries quilt. Maybe I'll get back to that one after I finish this next block. By the way, I saw a Hometown Christmas quilt kit on eBay yesterday--if any of you still want to get one, pop on over there and check it out. There's also a set of just the Hometown Christmas books, if you'd rather use your own fabrics. I removed the list of bloggers working on the quilt from my sidebar because I think seeing that list all the time was just putting way too much pressure on Red Geranium Sharon. Or maybe it was the constant reminder of my own flakiness. Or maybe it was the fact that those who were going to do the quilt probably HAVE and those who haven't probably WON'T! But I'd sure like to hear if you end up winning either of those auctions so I know I've sucked someone else into encouraged another talented quilter to make this most beauteous quilt!

Last night I was taking a bath and noticed this stuff on the counter--

It seems the Boy Child may use more beauty products than I do! The hair gel? Not too surprised. The Grape Seed Extract Peel Off Masque? Yeah, I was a bit startled! Maybe one of these days, I'll ask him to write a "Day of Beauty" guest post--I'm guessing he may have a lot more beauty tips than I do! In the meantime, if you have any specific beauty questions, let me know and I'll pass them on. Thanks for checking in on me!


  1. Love the Christmas List you use steam a seam to stabilize the letters?
    Your Boy Child is a riot!!

  2. Gotta love a boy child in touch with his feminine side.....LOL....mine is the same....!! who thinks up the names of hair products.....!

  3. The blocks are your fabric choices.

    As for Hometown Christmas....ummmmm I think I might be a little further ahead than Miss Red Geranium. Okay, not it's still in the far corner of my mind.

    The spiking glue says it's water resistant....does that mean he can't wash it out??????

  4. I feel your pesky job pain Kim! I'm a week behind on blogs so I had a good time catching up. I feel your kids back in the house pain too LOL!

  5. HI Kim,
    My boy has the same hair stuff in our bathroom- it is amazing the different supplies that he has added to his collection since he has had a girlfriend. The water bill has risen significantly too: since the arrival of his girlfriend.LOL I have never seen him be so clean- body and clothes!!!
    Thanks for the good wishes for a Happy Canada Day. It is a beautiful day here and we will enjoy a barbecue this evening.

  6. Lol I am loving this guy product thing. My daughter's boyfriend even dyes his blondish hair dark brown and his eyebrows as well! He uses Proactive and colognes, hair spiking gel, the list goes on! He is very metro and very cute, so I am guessing this is a plus :o)

    I love those blocks! Can't wait to see the next one!

  7. Got a kick out of all the boy-stuff in the beauty line. Think they only used "Lifeboy" when I was a kid. Yes, it's been that long ago!

  8. Every time you show those blocks, I want to make that quilt! I will have to find the pattern(s). You've done a beautiful job! I know someday you all will get back to the Hometown Christmas quilt - it'll wait for you to find your way to it again.
    I am intrigued by the grape seed extract peel off masque - I may have to try that! I think your son is on to something!

  9. Oh didn't I tell you that I finished that quilt long ago?? LOL!!!! No, you say I didnt tell you that??? Oh I must have.

    Gotta love some Grape Sed Extract Peel off Masque. So how does his face look?? Silky smooth?

  10. Those blocks are so cute - can you share who the pattern is from?

    Hugs - Karen

  11. I would like to know who does the pattern also! I am about to open a quilt shop and would love to do it as a BOM also!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!