Wednesday, May 21, 2008


How do you know when one of your kids has been by your house while you're at work? Well, around here there's usually some evidence left behind, like a couple of dirty dishes in the sink, cats that were left inside are found outside, missing food, and the fact that you've been logged out of the computer because the kid had to check his emails.

This is a new one for us though. My hubby came home to find the kid in question had rummaged around the garage to find two old shelf boards and several cans of spray paint, which he then used to craft an extra large greeting card:

If you can't really read it--and really I'd be surprised if you could--it says "2 my Dad." The "Dad" is that part on the bottom that looks like red, blue, and black runny, melty goo. I'm not sure about the blue skull-looking thing. We DID call him to ask whether he intended with the skull to say something like "death to my dad," but he denied it. And laughed. Don't know where he gets his sense of humor from!

Maybe we should consider changing the locks again.


  1. Frankly, I think the skull means "My dad has such a large brain that I am dedicating this card to his intelligence." Right?

  2. He's very good with the spray paint isn't he....

  3. LOL 9.8's all the way across! Has your son ever been to Missouri?

  4. Looks like some of the grafetti that they've been arresting guys for in DC.

    Sure can't see the DAD part. Bbut that skull must mean something.

  5. What a wonderful thing for him to do!

  6. I don't have that problem anymore since we changed the locks to the house so she couldn't get in.
    lol One time she was here without us knowing, and she got hot. She turned the air conditioned down to 50 degrees and forgot to turn it back up. We nearly froze to death when we got home. I love her, though. :)

  7. What a talented son you have! A chip of the ol' block, right? Especially his sense of humor - LOL!

  8. hmmmmmmmm lets think about this, where would he get this sort of idea? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm gosh I am just totally stumped on that one!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!