Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Good Start!

How's your Memorial Day weekend so far? My Saturday went pretty nicely. I got to sleep in until around 9:30, and then I puttered around the house, painting picture frames and piecing a back for the Prairie Paisley quilt top. I thought I'd get that one pinned today, but time goes by much quicker than we anticipate on weekends, doesn't it?

I needed to make a run to the pet supply store and Trader Joe's, so I quit puttering in the early afternoon and took off to run my errands. And since the Trader Joe's I went to isn't far from a Goodwill store . . . well, you know what happened, I'm sure! And before I knew it, the afternoon was over and I hadn't pinned the quilt.

I love Trader Joe's! I made the mistake of going on a fairly empty stomach, so I came home with a lot of goodies. But is that really a BAD thing? I think not! We went out to dinner with friends tonight, but I'll be cooking the rest of the weekend. Hubby and I are supposed to be making better food choices these days and--ideally--losing a little weight, but I don't think that's happening THIS weekend. But then it's a holiday, and holidays just aren't holidays without good food. If I whip up anything fantastic, I'll try to get a photo to share. Ms. Red Geranium Sharon gave some tips about BBQing pizza a few days ago, and I've been thinking about it since, so that's one possibility!

It rained here last night--rain in Sacramento on Memorial Day weekend is a rare thing. It sprinkled a little bit today too, but it's supposed to clear up for the rest of the weekend. I don't mind the rain--I like it a whole lot better than our typical Memorial Day weekend temperatures in the 90s!

I don't think I'll have much quilting news to share in the next few days because I plan to do some actual quilting (rather than piecing), and it will probably take a few days before I finish anything. Tomorrow, though, I plan to stay home and quilt! And sleep in. And probably hang around in my jammies until an embarrassingly late hour of the day. I hope your day is equally lovely!

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