Friday, April 18, 2008

Vacation, Day 3

I slept in again. Later than yesterday--today I didn't get up until 10 a.m.! But I wasn't nearly as productive today either.

I made another cherry blossom block.

Now I have two--two more to go!

I started another project today, but it's just started and there's nothing to show yet. Maybe tomorrow. (It's a bag, of sorts, not a quilt--I'm not THAT fast!)

See, one of the reasons I didn't get as much done was because my hubby decided to have a poker game here at our house tonight, so I had to beat feet and make a quick getaway or be stuck here, overwhelmed by testosterone all night and pressed into serving beer or something. I thought you gals would enjoy my husband's efforts at entertaining--he boiled up a pot of hot links, opened a bag of buns, opened another bag of chips, and brought out the "good" plates--

Festive, isn't it?

So where did I go when I left? Well, it just so happens that today's the third day of our local quilt shop hop, Quilt Rush, and all the participating shops are open until 9 p.m., so I headed toward the hills to visit Cabin Fever in Auburn, California.

Cabin Fever was a featured shop in the Fall/Winter Quilt Sampler magazine. The owners, Don and Patti Henderson, are friends of ours--Hubby and Don used to work together some time back. They're both lovely people--stop by and say hi if you're ever in the area. Auburn is a darling gold rush era town with lots to see, tons of shops, and some pretty good restaurants.

Cabin Fever has a nice selection of wools and wool projects including wool roving for felting and other needle felting supplies.

They also had some of that crazy Blackbird Jubilee fabric and had made a quilt from the Just Can't Cut it book--which turned out looking as much like a Mexican fiesta as my little project did, but I think theirs is a little cuter! I know you can't see it very well, but it's the one hanging a little to the left of center.

Here are a few other photos I took in the shop.

I love that quilt on the wall and almost bought the pattern. Maybe I will someday, but I have so many other things to do right now, I resisted. What DID I buy, you ask? Here, let me show you--

Just a couple little things. I couldn't resist the cherry pad or the cherry pincushion kit. Do you think they KNEW I'm concentrating on cherries right now? I couldn't resist the red polka dot fabric (it may find its way into my cherry quilt), and that's a needled felted wool flower in that package--it will look most excellent on a purse, I think!

After Cabin Fever, I headed back down the hill to Borders Books and Starbucks. Food for the soul and fuel for the body! After that, I stopped at the grocery store for a few things and headed home. Not long after I arrived home around 10:30, the poker game broke up. When a bunch of guys can't stay up playing poker past 10:30 on a Friday night, you know they're getting old! Me, on the other hand--well, after my latte, I'm ready to go! In fact, I think I hear the Sweat Shop calling to me. Or maybe it's one of those cupcakes. I guess I'd better go check.


  1. Love your cherry blossoms. And all the polka dots (I'm so into them now!) Men! What more can I say except - "Gotta love 'em"!

  2. Really like the Cherry Quilt. DD loves anything Cherry so I won't show her or she will say where is mine LOL! Sounds like you are having a very relaxing time away from work. This is good for the mind and body.

    Linda Z

  3. I think that you put subtle hints in his ear about a poker night so you could get out to your quilt shop! I love the good plates, we have some just like that, they go really nicely with the Christmas paper napkins.
    Love love love all the cherry stuff!!

  4. I LOVE your Cherry quilt. I wish I had a machine that would do machine applique - I'm not patient enough to do it by hand.

    My sister makes me take her to that quilt shop whenever she comes up to visit me.

  5. The cherry quilt is going to be so pretty! It already is, but you know what I mean. :) I especially love the cherry blossoms.

    The quilt shop looks like it would be a lot of fun to visit. They have lots of great stuff! You are better at resisting than I am!

  6. Your cherry blossoms are lovely, Kim! I think cherry quilts are all the rage now - I just received the latest Fons & Porter Love of Quilting mag, and they will have a pattern for one in the next issue. You trend-setter, you! LOL!!
    Thanks for the trip to the quilt shop - I must visit it someday!

  7. That quilt shop looks gorgeous! Your cherry blocks are really cute, it's going to be a really pretty quilt.

  8. You must live near me. That's the quilt shop I go to.


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