Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Vacation, Day 1

I'm on vacation! What did I do with my first day off?

I read a book. All the way to the end. I finished it before Eileen finished hers. Neee-ner, neee-ner, neee-ner, Eileen!

I finished making the cherry stems thicker.

I cleaned the house.

I made cupcakes! (No watching calories on vacation, right?!)

I made more applique pieces--but you'll have to wait to see what they're for. Maybe on Day 2 of my vacation.

Would you like a cupcake? I made these for you--I knew you'd stop by!


  1. Oh, I expect those cupcakes for the coffee break this morning. Wwhere are they? Just a picture.

    Was it worth spending your first day getting ahead of me reading "The Winding Way" ? Shows you who has the most to do.

    The cherries look soo cute. Good luck with the rest.

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful day. I haven't gotten that book yet...guess a stop to B and N would be in order today. Does coffee go with the cupcakes?

    Love the cherries! :)

  3. What yummy looking cupcakes, but not such a good choice as I sit here at 9.30am, although it wouldn't be hard to give in.....

  4. Sounds like a great vacation!(except for the cleaning part....)
    Nice colourfull sprinkle thingy's on the cupcakes too.

  5. Oh my gosh, are you on vacation again? You lucky broad! LOL Cupcakes look yummy! And no, calories do not count when you're on vacation!

  6. Is my cupcake in the mail yet?? I'd love one thank you very much. Make sure it doesn' get all smashed though would ya?? What are you whipping up now? Love your cherry blocks. have fun on your vacation!!

  7. Can't think of anything I'd like more at the moment than stopping by for a cupcake, a cuppa and a chat!!! Shame I'm at work and an awfully long way away!! Maybe next time!!!! Enjoy your holidays.

  8. no thanks, I like to have some sprinkles on my cupcakes!! Did you use the whole jar? I think you are making little polka dot mice! Or maybe flower petals?
    can't wait to see!

  9. Hi Kim,
    What a nice way to begin a vacation- chocolate cup cakes, a good book,a clean house and time to get a little quilting done- a girl couldn't wish for more ;0)

    I enjoyed reading about the Orphan Train Children- thank you for the link to Amy Zemke's site- I will check it out-
    I think it was you that recommended
    "These is my words" - the diary of Sarah Agnes Prine. I loved it and have the other two books in the series. It was a wonderful story about life on the Oregon trail.

    Thanks for sharing what you are reading- its always nice to get a book recommendation.

    Enjoy your time off- I will look forward to seeing your next project.

  10. What a perfectly wonderful day! I would LOVE a cupcake, please!! Yummy! I also love the cherry blocks - they're beautimous!!


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