Sunday, April 6, 2008

Out of Sorts

I've been feeling out of sorts this weekend--I'm pretty sure it's a hormonal thing. I hate that. Other than that, though, I had a nice, relaxing weekend. On both days, I took my morning cup of coffee back to bed and snuggled in with a good book for awhile--something I rarely do anymore. The house got cleaned--and boy did it need it! And somewhere in there, I did a little sewing, although I think I should have just gone back to bed with a good book for all the good it did me.

Remember that appliqued cherry center block and the Jo's Little Women pattern that I was going to use the Blackbird Jubilee fabric in? Well, for the first time in a long time, I've made a quilt top I don't like at all. And it's a bit of a mystery to me how it happens that you use fabric you LOVE and end up disliking the finished top. Obviously, quilting holds mysteries I've yet to solve. Like the one where you add a butt-ugly fabric to a quilt and it ends up looking fantastic. See, experimenting with that one is still a little outside my comfort zone. Maybe someday. It sure can't turn out any worse than the one I worked on this weekend.

The Jo's/Blackbird project has turned out looking like some Mexican fiesta where everyone drank too much tequila. Yeah, it's a little busy. And bright. And--well, ugly! I might finish it someday because I keep telling myself it could look okay on a table with a bunch of food piled on top to hide a lot of it--just background color. Yeah, that might be okay. Or maybe it would make for a nice pet quilt, although it might give the pet some nasty nightmares!

On the UP side, though, I've started my "real" cherry project. This is the one I've been thinking about and planning. I should have a photo or two of what the blocks will look like in the next couple days.

Oh, and one of the BEST things I did this weekend--I cleaned up and organized the Sweat Shop. It was really getting kind of crazy in there--to the point where it wasn't a place of comfort and refuge anymore; instead I'd go in there, look around, and start twitching with anxiety.

I do still have a plan to use the Blackbird Jubilee fabric in something else that I think will turn out a LOT better, but I think I need to not look at it for a little bit. And that's just fine since I have this other cherry project to keep me busy for awhile anyway.

I hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable weekend! Thanks for stopping by to visit.


  1. Sorry to hear you are feeling down and that the blackbirds did not work are right, though, sometimes quilting is a learning process and a mystery. That's what continues to intrigue us with this hobby! Wishing you a happier day!

  2. You didn't show us what you don't like. Can't help you without seeing it. I wondered how busy this was going to be from the looks of that fabric.

  3. So are you going to show us the top? I would love to see it. I can't imagine it being that ugly.

  4. You did what I did this weekend.... read a good book. I didn't even pick up a needle. It felt good, but guilty!

  5. Are you sure you don't like it? You know, your minions want to see it!!! Hope you're feeling better today!

  6. Please post a photo and let us be the judge...we've all been there.

  7. Wow you sure know how to pack a lot into a weekend. I know that dang hormonal thing your talking about. Oh the joys, LOL.

    Hope your feeling more up to snuff :)

    Hugs - Karen

  8. I would very much like my world to stop spinning for two days. One so I can rest and the other so I can have time to all the stuff I want/need to get around to. Like my mini-group quilt. And cleaning. And putting crap away. And organizing.

    If you figure out how to make that happen, please let me know.

  9. Hi Kim,
    Its too bad about your blackbird quilt- I am sure its not as bad as you think but I know what you mean-Once I made a kaleidscope quilt (used the stack and whack method by Bethany Reynolds) and I thought the fabric would be perfect. It was awful - so I gave it to my sister whom I do love and who for some reason, loves the quilt. I tried changing it by replacing the border (it was pieced) and it still didn't improve it in my eyes. My sister still loves it and she knows what I think about that quilt. I made a second quilt for her last winter and it took two tries as the first convergence pattern (Ricky Timms design) just mushed together. I started all over again rather than giving her a second quilt that I was less than fond of. I felt bad enough that she had one quilt that I didn't like, she certainly didn't deserve a second one... I still haven't made a second pattern from the stack and whack quilt because I didn't like the first one. Some friends have made many quilts from her books and they are fabulous. Maybe I will try her patterns again.
    In the meantime, I am sure that your real cherry project will be fabulous..
    Have a great week, Kim!

  10. well dang, I hate it when that happens, such high hopes and PLOP!!! I'm having a hard time believing it's as bad as you think tho.

  11. Maybe you should be the one drinking the tequila then you might like the looks of that quilt. LOL

  12. I agree with Sharon - a shot (or two) of tequila would help you to love the look of your cherry quilt. For not feeling well, you sure got a lot accomplished this weekend. I would have been a couch potato!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!