Thursday, April 24, 2008

"Gods Kar"

I was driving toward home after work tonight and needed to make a little detour to pick up a few things from Target when I noticed this car in front of me.

"Gods Kar." I figured that following God was probably a good thing. I wouldn't want to follow too close, though, and rear end God, so I hung back a little after I got this photo while stopped at a light. It's funny, but I never figured God would have stuffed animals in the back window of his (her?) car, did you?

Had I thought about it before, I would have assumed God drove an American-made car, but I would have guessed Ford. My dad passed away a little over a year ago, and I wondered for a minute if this might be his way of communicating--letting me know that he's keeping an eye on me. But no, it surely would have been a Ford if that had been the case. Still, Buick's American made, right? Then I thought, "Maybe God has a car in every country--and in each country, he has a car that's MADE in that country." That would surely make it much easier than trying to get cars across oceans, mountains, borders, etc. And, I suspect, there's probably a God's Jet or two somewhere as well for those occasions when a car just won't do. I'm pretty sure God wouldn't fly a commercial airline, particularly now that the airlines are having such problems, and I would hate to think of him (her?) flying economy class, squeezing into one of those center seats with no arm or leg room. Not to mention getting patted down at the airport and arriving late everywhere.

Before my thoughts got any deeper, though, it was time for me to turn off into the Target parking lot. God kept going. I bet he (she?) was heading to WalMart.


  1. Maybe God's other Kar is a Ford? Just a thought ...

  2. What deep thoughts for yesterday. Guess we both have them. Hugs

  3. Hilarious!!!!!!!! I wonder if God has a boat, kmow, for relaxing on the weekends. Well, maybe Sunday is not that relaxing for God after all, LOL!!

  4. Oh you really think God would go to Wal-mart? I always thought that was the Devil's place...Ohhhhh, maybe that's why he was going.

  5. Thanks for this morning's Luckily, I didn't have a mouthful of coffee. :)

  6. Clearly God is being humble in driving that car. I mean God can drive whatever car God wants. One question this license plate raises, If THIS God had to get a plate with KAR, it can only mean, somewhere there is a GODSCAR.

    Which reminds me of the Dire Straits song 'Industrial Disease' lyrics:

    "Two men say they're Jesus, one of them must be wrong"

  7. You are too funny! I was sitting here trying to come up with a witty reply, but I am just stumped! I can't beat this! LOL

  8. I thought God would have a better understanding of spelling. But maybe God is being clever.

  9. and here I thought he was one of us, "just a stranger on the bus, trying to make his way home..."

  10. you are hysterical! this post made me laugh.

  11. I was hoping you were going to keep following God - I'd like to know where he/she shops! Wherever he/she wants to, I betcha! Great post, by the way!

  12. LOVE the way you think! Thoroughly enjoying your blog. So glad Rhonda led me to your blog in the round-about way that it happened!

    Great writing!


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