Sunday, April 27, 2008

Cherry Quilt and Diagonal Sets

I thought I'd share with you the progress I've made on the cherry quilt. Here's what it looks like tonight:

I think I want to add a yellow border next with a scalloped edge and then the final border will be red and white. I think, anyway. I ordered a book and a ruler for making scalloped borders about a week ago and it should be here any day now. Until it arrives, though, I'll probably do a little more work on the patriotic/4th of July quilt I started piecing a couple weeks ago.

I have read and heard from a number of quilters that they have a hard time with quilts that use diagonal or on-point sets, so with that in mind, I took a few photos for a mini-tutorial that may make the concept a little bit easier. This is the method that Lindy at Bear Paws & Hollyhocks likes to teach to quilters who have a hard time with this.

First, put your blocks up on a design wall or other flat surface. Here are mine:

Now visualize a center "square"--yes, it will look like a diamond, but tilt your head a little.

Ignore the "corner" sections for now. Move them out of the way if you need to. Then piece that center square just like you would a straight set of blocks. Put the center "square" back up on the wall and arrange the corner sections in the correct positions.

At this point, you'll have to sew those corners together, but now those sections are small and easier to tackle.

Once you have the center all pieced and the corner sections pieced, you're ready to sew the final seams to join the corners to the center.

Easy as Cherry Pie?!


  1. I really like the fabrics you have picked for this little gem. It is really looking good. Anxious to see the final additions. You have a great eye for color, as we all know.

    My question is how to decide what size to to cut the side and corner square triangles. This is where I stumble. I can't tell you how often I have to recut. I even have a couple rulers that are suppose to help. So tell me your method, please.

    Linda Z

  2. Great job - love how it's coming along, cute cute cute.

    Hugs - karen

  3. I just love this cherry quilt. You've done a great job on it, can't wait to see it when it's all finished.

  4. Cool, thanks for that little tutorial. I have never had any trouble with on point, but this will make a little easier.
    I really like this quilt. How big will it be?

  5. Great looking quilt! I love on point settings. I use that tutorial method but always have a bit of a problem figuring out the corner piece size. They usually end up too big but that's better than too small!

    Can't wait to see what you have going for the 4th of July project.

  6. Love love love the cherries!! And that applique is to die for - did you dream up the blossom block pattern yourself? It's so delicate and so perfect. I wanna be just like you!!!

  7. What a clever way of doing that! I like quilts set on point, but those triangles always intimidate me. I might have to try one this way one of these days.

  8. What a cute quilt Kim -- I love the cherries with the black and white!

  9. I like this quilt very much. I have a very old cherry quilt that was given to me and belonged to my husbands grandmother. I have always loved the cherry pattern and yours is just perfect with those blossoms. Is that hand appliqued?

    Thanks for the tutorial too.

  10. Love it Kim! Thank you for the info. Always very helpful :o)

  11. Kim, your cherry quilt is so cute. All of your quilts are.

    Carol L.

  12. Love the cherry quilt! You are an applique goddess. I love to do applique, but I'm not nearly as quick as you!

  13. OK, I admit it. When you posted the first cherry block my reaction was, "Eh." But Kim, this is dynamite. I LOVE the blossoms and the way the blossoms play off the cherries and vice versa is wonderful! You have a marvelous imagination and I am totally jealous!

  14. Wow! What a beautiful quilt, Kim! I love the way you explained how to sew the diagonal setting - it makes sense to me now! Thank you to Lindy, too!

  15. I love all of your quilts. The cherry one with the black/white is beautiful. I especially love the Springtime quilt. So very pretty.


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