Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Why a Cow Reminded Me of Sharon

I suspect quite a few of you read Red Geranium Sharon's blog, so maybe you're wondering why I would tell a weepy menopausal woman that a cow reminded me of her. Good question.

Back when Sharon first started blogging I came across her blog early on and I was struck by this paragraph in one of her first posts:

"Took a break from sewing to bake lasagna for dinner. Hubby said it was the best I have ever made. Does this mean he didn't like it all these years I've been making it? My secret was lots of Ricotta cheese. I used to use Cottage cheese but switched to the Ricotta and I guess it made a difference. I follow the directions my mom used when I was growing up which used Cottage cheese. Did they even sell Ricotta cheese way back then? Maybe California cows produce Ricotta and I grew up in Missouri where cows produce Cottage cheese."

Well, you have to understand that I grew up in California where cows produce ricotta cheese. Not only that, but my father's parents were Italian. Cottage cheese in lasagna? Blasphemy! No way! So I left her this comment:

"You're right. There's a big Italian influence here in California, so our cows just squirt that ricotta right out on command. Of course, the New York, New Jersey, Florida, and Nevada (Las Vegas) cows are much the same. Special breed known as Paisano cows. Then we also have the "Happy Cows Come From California" cows that you may have seen in advertisements. Another special breed known as the Stoner cows. Mostly they live around college towns like Humboldt State and Chico State. I won't tell you what kind of cheese they produce, because you don't really want to know, but if you used it, it would probably make your husband eat the whole tray of lasagna as well as a batch of cookies for dessert."

So, there you have it--the beginning of a great bloggy friendship. And THAT'S why a cow reminded me of Sharon! And can I just mention that if she doesn't get over the hormonally-induced tears, I just might have to make a trek up to Humboldt State or Chico State and get some of that Happy Cows Cheese to send her! ROFLOL!



  1. I think the California cows are cuter than that.

  2. Nope, our Wisconsin cows are the best!! Just ask anyone from Wisconsin. And the brown ones give chocolate milk, so there!

  3. The weather has been so bad here our Maine cows are giving ice cream.

  4. Lol Greenmare! Yup! I tend to agree... Wisconsin cows rock!

  5. I live in Southern California, and have been all up and down the state, and have passed thousands of Happy California Cows, and let me tell you, I would trade places with them any day! Have you seen some of the fantastic places those girls get to graze???

  6. Kim you are too funny! I had cow decor in my kitchen for a long time...including a 'cow egg'. (wooden egg painted black and white). Always made me smile. Sharon said she took the comment about the cow reminding you of her as a compliment! Good story.

  7. LOL!!!!!!!!! What is that cow smokin????? Never mind I think I know. I'm glad we met over a cow. LOL!!! Mooooo You Hefer you. And I say that with a whole bunch of love.

  8. What a coincidence... "I" like cows too! :-)

    Cute story Kim.


  9. Fun story! Now did you tell her about chocolate milk? Cheers from a former dairy farmer's daughter!

  10. My DH is a Kiwi and apparently the cows there give cheddar! So I have to make two lasagnas, one with ricotta (I'm a Jersey girl after all!) and one with cheddar. LOL

  11. Love the story of how you met Ms. Sharon! Who knew a friendship could be forged over cowspeak? Mooooo!!!


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