Thursday, March 13, 2008

Mary's In the House!

The buzz right now seems to be all about Mary--Mary Engelbreit's new fabric line for Moda, that is! I've been a ME addict for years, so I'm pretty excited about the fact that she and Moda got together!

My cow-loving BFF Red Geranium Sharon recently had a Mary giveaway on her blog, and I was sorely disappointed she didn't draw my name. But since my expectations weren't exactly high on that one, I went ahead and ordered myself a jelly roll:

. . . and a length of black-with-white-polka-dotted fabric. I came home today to find it had arrived in my mail along with a couple other goodies.

My love affair with Mary began back sometime around the late 1980s. The Wild Child was little and cute back then (not that she's not cute any more, because she is!) and I came across a darling girly dress pattern and coordinating fabrics by Daisy Kingdom. As it turned out, the fabric was designed by Mary Engelbreit. I bought enough fabric to make two dresses, and I still have a bit left--

Sadly, I found the fabric faded quite a lot when it was washed--and that just about broke my heart seeing those cute little dresses all faded! I don't know if I'll ever use the fabric I have in anything that may need washing, but I'm sure I'll find a use for it one of these days.

Then, as many of you probably remember, several years ago Mary began designing for Cranston. This was not too long after I started quilting, and because I was still shopping for fabric at JoAnn's and WalMart occasionally, I have some of those fabrics in my stash. And I don't mean to say it's a poor quality of fabric, because I don't really think it is. I DO know, though, that very few quilt shops carried it because the other large stores could sell it so much cheaper.

So now Mary's moved on to Moda and is snuggling into the quilt shop shelves, and I'm so happy to see her there! But I'm even happier to see her snuggling into MY shelves! The upcoming Christmas line looks awfully cute too!

And, by the way, did you happen to notice the background of my first few photos? Yes, the rabbit and tulip wallhanging is now bound and ready to be claimed by the lucky winner of my giveaway! If you haven't entered already, scroll on down to my Monday post where I announce my belated blogiversary and leave me a comment. Get your comments in by 6 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on Thursday, March 13th! I expect to randomly pick a winner and reveal the name between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m.

Happy quilting!


  1. You are so caught up in Mary E. and I can't think of anything more fun than to bring home new fabric!
    I think Mary E. fabric would lend it self to the Four Corners pattern by Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. we received from Pam and Nicole at Thimbleberries Camp this past weekend. Alas, another trip to the fabric store! Heaven! :)
    Julia S. from Thimbleberries

  2. ME is great! i love her stuff. She has some nice cross stitch projects too. That is how I discovered her, back before my quilting days.

  3. I'm the proud owner of quite a bit of ME too! Sharon made me do it! Just kidding. I have always like ME stuff too, not just fabrics, but all of her stuff, it's so whimsical. I can't believe you have some vintage stuff there! Cute!

  4. I love ME, too. The Ballerina keeps the one ME quilt that I've made in her bedroom and it's small enough that she brings it in the car when we go on trips. I'm so glad that Mary has moved on to Moda!!!

    BTW, I've made a few Daisy Kingdom dresses in my day, too. Gotta love all the layers and gathering! LOL!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!