Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Couple Accomplishments!

It's always nice to get to the end of the weekend and feel like I've gotten a few things done and enjoyed myself along the way! I know several of you were pretty worried about my ironing board cover, so I took a little time today to make a new one:

And the tulip and bunny quilt? DONE and up on the wall in the kitchen:

I added a couple butterflies and a spider in the quilting--my compromise on the butterfly question. And I think once I trimmed it down a little, the problem I was seeing with balance resolved itself.

After I finished those two projects, I wasn't sure what I wanted to work on next, but since I had a small pile of the spring Thimbleberries line, Gardener's Touch, I decided to get busy and make something with that line:

I still need to add some borders and quilt it, of course, but it's on its way to being a cheerful lap-sized throw. Does anyone have any suggestions on quilting it? The obvious would be stitch in the ditch for the chain blocks and then free motion outline the floral blocks but that sounds kind of boring. Still, maybe I'll just do something along those lines unless someone comes up with another suggestion.

Do you remember that other bunny quilt I started a few weeks back? This one:

I've been taking it to work so I could applique the bunnies during my lunch hour, but lunch hours were at a premium last week, so I haven't gotten very far. I'll keep on carrying it around with me and hope for the best. I'd love to get it finished to use as a tabletopper for my Easter table. I'll also need some fabric for a border--I don't think I have anything suitable in my stash. But I'll be going to the quilt shop for Jo's Little Women Club on Wednesday night, so maybe I'll find something then.

Back to work tomorrow--the weekends go by so quickly! I hope you enjoyed yours as much as I enjoyed mine!


  1. Wow you've been busy! I love the Spring Thimbleberry quilt-- really cute! And those bunnies too!

  2. OH, the Spring quilt is really cute. Why not quilt down the chains diagonally.? The outline the flowers. Now I know you like to quilt things more than that but it would go fast. I guess you used the scraps from cutting the floral pieces down for the chains?
    Love the Spring quilt. Glad you finished it.

  3. What a productive weekend! Lovely projects you've got going one! The tulip quilt is sweet! I'll have to catch up to see what your original ironing board cover looked like! ;o) Thanks for sharing!

  4. Your work is just beautiful. I love the bunny quilt! I cannot believe how much you got done over the weekend. Good for you.

  5. Great job on your Spring quilt, Kim. You sure have accomplished a lot this weekend. Good for you!!!

  6. OK -- you are the GODDESS of quilting! You did more in a weekend than I can do in a month, and I'm SOOO jealous! Besides that, they're too stinkin' cute for words - love love love the tulips!

  7. I got a lot done this weekend, too! Your Spring quilt looks so pretty up on your wall.

    It is fun to get things accomplished!

  8. I especially like the quilt with the tulips and bunny!

  9. Love that spring wall hanging even more now that it's hanging! As for the quilting, to your free-motion around the flowers and stitch in the ditch, how 'bout adding x's through the nine-patch squares?

  10. Kim you amaze me with the amout you get finished. Like the tulips, but the Gardeners Touch is really Spring like. Might have to try that one. Keep up the great work. I am going to take more quilting lessons and try to finish some of mine.

    Linda Z

  11. Love, love, love the bunnies, of course! How do you manage to get soooo much done in one weekend?? You make the rest of us look like slackers!1 ROFLOL!!

  12. You are so productive and your house is so nicely decorated! Question: do you put batting in your table toppers or do you use something like flannel? Thanks!

  13. I really wanted to comment about your First of a series nude self-portrait but your quilting is just wonderful!!!

  14. Oh yeah -- (short-term memory thing, I think) the tulips are so pretty! (That's what I came her for!) LOL

  15. Wow, you sure got a lot done over the week-end. I just LOVE that Spring quilt, so cheery! You go girl! LOL

  16. since you are so great at ironing board covers why not hop on over to my sewing room and fix mine up too?
    Your tulips turned out fabulous!! I love the flowers and nine patch lap quilt, and the little bunnies are pretty darned cute too.

  17. You have sure been busy. Love that Spring quilt as well as the others! Great fabric on your ironing board..have some of that in my stash :-)!

  18. you have been busy! love the spring quilt and congrats on the new ironing board cover-i still need to do mine

  19. Kim o Kim, what beautiful things you are doing. Your tulip quilt is great, and the TB one turned out wonderful also. Now if you can just catch those darn rabbits and stitch them down you can relax!

  20. Omigod, Kim! You truly are an amazing woman! I love every quilt you have done, and whenever I read your blog, my jaw drops in amazement! I think I'll close my mouth now. Oh, and you MADE your ironing board cover? WOW - I bow to your greatness!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!