Thursday, March 13, 2008

Blogiversary Contest is Closed!

I'm closing the contest to new entries and hope to select and post a winner soon! Unfortunately, we came home from work to find our house had been burglarized--nothing major, we think, but we're waiting for the police to arrive. Argh! At least all my sewing stuff appears to be safe! LOL! I'll fill everyone in on the "excitement" later! And sometime tonight, I'll post a winner, so please check back.


  1. OMG! that's terrible! Our car was broken into once and it is an awful awful feeling! I hope they catch them and you get your things back.

  2. oh no! Maybe you should get that owl back and teach it to attack?

  3. OH NO! I'm so glad you're OK though. And your sewing stuff, of course.

  4. Oh I so sorry, what a pain in the butt. Glad you're ok and they didn't touch your sewing room.....

  5. Check your jewelry. I didn't find some missing until months later after a burglary one time. I'm sorry you had this happen. It's a horrible feeling. (Hugs)

  6. I'm sorry to hear you've been burglarized! It's a good thing they didn't take your sewing stuff and your computer. I hope you don't find much missing.

    Chris T.

  7. Oh gad, Kim! I'm so very sorry to hear this! I hope nothing important is missing. Be sure th check your financial things - any checks ripped out of the middle of a book of checks, anything that might have enough info on it for identity theft. Even if you can't find anything like that missing it would be a good idea to notify one of the credit bureaus - one will tell the other two - that you may have had identity theft and to flag your profiles that no one is to open up an account under either of your names and SSN's without the credit bureau checking with you first. (My 13 years working at a financial institution will still come in handy even though I've retired!)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!