Friday, February 29, 2008

Tulip Quilt--Again

The applique is finally done--maybe. I'm not sure if I want to add anything else, but it's at least to the stage I had planned. I'm contemplating a butterfly. I'll look at it again in the morning and make up my mind. In any event, I think I should be able to get it quilted this weekend, unless I get distracted by other things. And I'm easily distracted!

Work continued to be busy up until about 5:45 today, but the last couple of days haven't been quite as insane as earlier in the week. Still, I'm certainly happy to welcome the weekend!

Back when I was working hard to save the economy, I managed to amass several largish piles of fabric. Over the last few days, I've been concentrating on getting everything reorganized and put away, so the Sweat Shop is finally back in order again--it feels so much better to work in there!

Did you notice that word "amass" that I used? I like it! I doublechecked the meaning and here's how the dictionary defined it--which I think is quite fitting when it comes to newly purchased fabric:

"(1) To gather for oneself, as for one's pleasure or profit . . . (2) To accumulate or assemble a large quantity . . . ."

Happy weekend everyone!


  1. I don't think you need anything more by the applique. It looks even to me in the picture. Sure is cute. Get it finished and up on the wall. It's March and hopefully Spring is commng.

  2. I love it just the way it is! It is so cute!

  3. My gosh that was quick, you certainly don't waste any time when you decide to make something.

  4. Just darling! You do great work. Just right for the hallway for Easter time.

  5. You need to publish patterns, you know that? You have great clever ideas that work up well.
    "Amass" -- hey, there's a super word for Saturday! Think I'll go practice some........

  6. This turned out really nicely. My top is done and now I am working on the borders.

  7. What a cute spring quilt! I think a butterfly would be perfect :)

  8. I must "amass" a lot by the looks of my fabric collection. However, I have been trying hard not to "amass" so much, but instead get finished with some projects that I have started.

    I love the quilt. I want to make one!

  9. This quilt is so cute Kim! I just love the addition of the bunny and "Spring".


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!