Wednesday, February 27, 2008

That Does Not Compute!

What does not compute? Me! Tonight. Or blog. Much. I'm just too darn tired and every thought has been sucked from my brain. If someone was to decide to do an MRI of my brain tonight, they might think they had obtained an MRI of a raisin. Or Silly Putty. Or bubblegum, as Darlene suggested to me last night--but in a nice way.

And can someone explain how I've managed to post 32 times in February when I pretty much just post once a day and today's the 27th? I guess I must have had a lot to say before. Hopefully that makes up for having nothing to say tonight. I guess if you want to read something more from me, you can go back and see if you missed anything.

And just to make sure no one's terribly disappointed at having stopped by and gotten nothing for their efforts, well a number of you were clammoring for a photo of me awhile back, and after a great deal of careful thought and consideration, I figured I'd oblige.

Stop back by tomorrow--maybe I'll have something for you then. Remember that secretary who has the flu? She called today and said she'd be back tomorrow. Now, if only I can figure out where I put my brain . . . .


  1. Hunka wants to know how you got a hold of MY PHOTO!!!!!

  2. Sharon, tell Hunka that my husband found it stuck up on the wall in a men's room with a message scrawled underneath that said, "For a good time, call Sharon at 555-1234."

  3. Dang, girl --- no wonder you're speechless!

  4. So your hubby and mine frequent the same bathroom huh?? And sooooo that was YOUR husband who called.

  5. WOWSA you have a really big......bunch of spices on your stove! ;) xoxo melzie

  6. ROFLOL That's funny Melzie cause I was just gonna say that very same thing. LOL!!!!!!!!!! You beat me to it.

  7. Oh My. I had to shield my tender little eyes. Now, I'm confused as to whether that's you or Sharon (although, since I've met Sharon, I'm thinking she's been doing the Mark Eden thing in the last few months). In either case, your hubbies must be very happy men!

  8. Yep, I recognize the hair! :) :)

  9. Gee, I wish I had a pin.

    How did I not read this last night?

  10. No wonder you couldn't think, probably spent all your time from trying not to topple

  11. And suddenly I feel very very grateful for my small chest.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!