Sunday, January 27, 2008

Tickling the Economy

I have more goodies to share with you. My husband wandered down to the mailbox this afternoon to pick up yesterday's mail and what did he find? You guessed it!

Hummmm. Let's see. Who is this one from?

The other night, I was looking for a particular piece of fabric from the Christmas Past line and found that Rock City Quilts had a terrific clearance price on the leftover fabrics from this line--just $4 a yard. So, since this was one of my two favorite Christmas lines this year, I thought I'd take advantage of the excellent sale prices. Here's what I got:

Besides the Christmas Past fabric, I ordered a couple other fabrics while I was there--one on sale and one not--but I think I did pretty good.

Besides shopping, I've been working on piecing a quilt this weekend that I hope to be able to show you in the next couple days--I just have a little hand work and applique to add. Today I made a crockpot full of meatball soup, so I think the time and effort devoted to cooking in the next couple days will be minimal, and the time for quilting--well, I'm not sure it can ever be enough, but it should be sufficient!

The weekend's just about over and it's back to work tomorrow--gotta keep earning a pay check so I can keep the economy growing. I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Now it's time for me to head off to bed with a new magazine to read. Goodnight!


  1. You have really started something!! Have you been looking around at blogs and seen all the people following your lead (myself included)? I think we all need a pick me up in this sluggish economy. :cD

  2. I'm so glad you're continuing to do your part. :-)


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