Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sidebar Addition

See that photo and caption over on my sidebar to the right? For those of you who have joined me in my global effort to save the economy, please feel free to copy that photo and slap it onto your blog along with the slogan. If I had the computer know-how (and an array of programs that would allow such fun stuff), I'd make up a "real" badge with wording on it, and all the bells and whistles and everything, but I'm a bit challenged in that regard--probably not quite as challenged as I am in the photography department, but challenged all the same. Still, I thought we might want to put something on our blogs to convey to Blogland the dedicated effort we're making. So please feel free to copy my photo and adopt my slogan for your own use and spread the love!


  1. Yah,for Kim, Starting up a save the world. At the dump last week the gal in charge was out going through the dumpster and picking out all the pape that people weren' putting in the paper recyling bin. She said all the little boxes we get can be recycled so I started a big paper bag next to my garbage can in the kitchen to put those smaller boxes etc. in. kIM YOU CAM PUT THAT symbol on my blog.

  2. My husband throws out boxes as fast as I can accumulate them! Lucky I am not saving whales!

  3. Hehehe -- looks good to me Kim! I've still got to get photos of my recent purchases to post. Hmmn...maybe I can take care of that today -- I'm supposed to stay on the couch doing not a lot anything anyway...

  4. Kim, I want you to know that I have been busy pushing buttons the last 2 days. I will post pictures of my efforts to save the economy as soon as they arrive. :)

  5. Love it! I have been doing my part to help stimulate the economy this year, and was so successful at it, that The Man (hubby) got a bit irked with me, so I have curtailed my 'boosting' for the nonce. Never fear, I will be at it again SOON!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!