Thursday, January 3, 2008

It's a Small Quilting World!

So I walked into Bearpaws & Hollyhocks tonight for the Jo's Little Women Club meeting, and the owner, Lindy, said, "Kim! What do you have on your blog?" Uh, a bunch of tamales. Why? No, I didn't really say that. I knew right away that she was asking because she had heard from a few of you who were interested in the Christmas List quilt.

Now, you have to understand that Lindy's not much into computers and has probably never read my blog. In fact, I think that the only reason she knows what a blog is is because she went to a seminar thingy at Moda U and they talked about blogs.

Anyway, it turns out that at least two of you have contacted Lindy's shop and ordered the patterns for this quilt, and Lindy was amazed that "people from all over the country" were calling. "Just THIS country?," I asked. "Because people from all over the WORLD read my blog, Lindy." She just kind of looked at me over the tops of her glasses. I'm not sure she believed me.

Lindy has known--or known of--Donna Yackey, the designer of the Christmas List pattern, for a bit now. I remember several months back, Lindy was tickled to death because Donna had made her a quilt for the shop of a bear and hollyhocks, and it's been hanging on the wall behind Lindy's desk and the cutting table ever since. Tonight I noticed Lindy has a couple of Donna's patterns for sale on her pattern wall--the bear and hollyhocks quilt and another really cute Spring quilt with bunnies hopping all over it. Tempting. That one may have to come home with me one of these days! And Lindy talked to Donna sometime in the last day or so--I guess Donna had heard that someone out in Blogland had written about the Christmas List quilt, and from what Lindy said, Donna was pleased. (Donna, in case you're reading this--I just LOVE that quilt! It's just the cutest thing!) Isn't it amazing how so many of us connect through the power of blogging? I think it's just terrific!

And if any more of you are interested in the Christmas List patterns, call or email Lindy and the shop--they'll be happy to assist you. Or, if you're interested in any of Donna's other patterns, you can call or write Donna at the number and/or address listed in the comments HERE.

Oh, to change the subject slightly, just in case anyone is still looking for this Gingerbread Lane pattern, you can probably get that from Lindy too--she still has a few patterns hanging on the pattern wall. This is one I've put in my "Christmas bucket" to be considered for making this year because I think it would be reasonably simple but awfully cute!

By the way, just in case you're wondering, I asked Lindy if I get a kickback for any orders you gals place. She just laughed. That happens to me a lot. People just laugh. Sheesh!


  1. The quilt world certainly is a small world. I used to send Donna Yackey reproduction fabrics when I had my when I saw her number on your comment section yesterday I gave her a call. We talked for a long time. It was so much fun. She's sending my pattern and I'm going to give her a call when I know what day Sharon's taking me to Country Loft and she's going to come in to see me. Oh I just love it. This is so much fun.

  2. That pattern and the book are awfully cute! Are you trying to meg us here? LOL

  3. I love that quilt Kim!!! did you just get the pattern or pattern come with the fabrics? I love it and cannot say it enough and love the other things you have too!

  4. Now I love that Gingerbread Lane pattern, it looks like a mini? Have emailed the store about it. Are you trying to take my focus off my January finish month?

  5. Now see, that why my call to Donna wouldn't go through...Carol was talking for a long time.*s* Guilty on calling the store! I called and ordered my pattern from Lindy, she even knew my town in VA. She said her patterns from Donna should arrive any day, and then she'll shoot it off to me! Should be a really fun quilt to do! Thanks!

  6. Gee, all a designer needs to do is get Kim to like it and talk about it on her blog. Powerful !!

    We've told Kim for a looong time she should make and sell HER patterns.

  7. You definitely should get the kickback -- maybe a free pattern for all the additional business you're sending her way? :0) And isn't it amazing how many people end up connecting through blogging!?!

  8. "Just THIS country?" Right!!! It is an amazing thing! The quilt and book, etc. are wonderful! I could look at all this quilty stuff till I go cross-eyed! Happy New Year Kim!

  9. I called.....yep I did. I kept getting a busy signal....seems that someone from Tennessee was ordering the pattern too. I spoke with Carol.....she had very nice things to say about you.....hmmmmmm
    LOL My pattern should be winging it way here soon. :)
    Yes, you get the megging notch.

  10. cool, huh!! I love that quilt too! and how neat that she is receiving so many calls for the pattern...



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