Sunday, January 20, 2008


That's the sound of me with a hairball in my throat. Well, not exactly--I guess that would be one of those lies my husband says I tell on my blog! What I DO have is probably just allergies (from all the dust I kicked up cleaning house yesterday?!) or possibly a cold--but more likely allergies. I hate that.

We went out to dinner with friends last night and then went to see National Treasure. Have you seen it yet? It was a pretty fun movie. There were lots of good trailers for upcoming movies too. In fact, now that I think about it, it seems like we watched about an hour of trailers for everything from the new Knight Rider TV show to movies with no release date yet.

Do you remember my blog of a few weeks back about how I don't wear a coat because there's nowhere to keep coats at my office? So, I started bringing my coat to work anyway because it was just too darn cold NOT to, and I've been storing it in one of my empty file cabinets ('cause the work "kids" don't have too many of their own files yet). So last night when we were getting ready to go out, I went to get my coat only to realize it was still in my cabinet at the office. Curses! Now, I know that there are many parts of the US that are experiencing extremely cold temperatures and we're not one of them, so you may not be awfully sympathetic, but it WAS somewhere in the 40 degree F vicinity and I froze my you-know-what off! Brrrrr!

When I haven't been eating, watching movies, shivering, or clearing my throat and blowing my nose this weekend, I've been working on Hometown Christmas. Here's the next section I finished--I replaced a couple "filler" blocks with the tree, but otherwise, this section is the same as the original pattern:

Then, I added some applique to the section I showed you a couple days back. Here are the "before" and "after" photos:

I still need to add some "ribbon" to the packages under the tree, but I'm thinking about how I want to do that and what I want to use.

Back to work tomorrow--we don't have Martin Luther King, Jr., Day off, although the courts are closed and there's no mail delivery. A three day weekend would sure be nice, but at least I scheduled myself a couple vacation days in February, so I figure I have something to live for. In the meantime, since my applique finger is telling me its had quite enough, thank you very much, and it's too late for me to feel like cutting out the next Hometown Christmas section, I think I'll just go to bed with a hot cup of tea and a good book. Thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. Hope your throat feels better today.

    The house looks much better with the shutters and how cute to put packages under the tree. fills in nice.
    Yep, you better give that appllique finger a rest. Let it do the walking over the keys at work today.

  2. I'm so glad you did before and after pics of the applique - what a difference! The before now looks blaaaahh and the after is so much warmer and welcoming -- good job!
    I hope you start feeling better FAST before the snow hits us. Are you guys in line for any? We're supposed to start some today - oh boy.

  3. Oh, those miserable allergies. Dust does that to me too. Maybe that is why I think it is more fun to sew than clean. LOL! Love what you added to Hometown Xmas. It makes it so much warmer. Glad I haven't started mine and thank you for giving me ideas. You always have a special eye for these things. It helps me out. Guess I am not to creative. I really think you ought to design patterns.

    Linda Z

  4. Your additions are great that you added. Just love those little packages. Oh if you had cold temps all the time you'd never forget the coat anywhere trust me.

  5. Those applique additions are lovely. I hope the allergies clear up soon -- no fun to be sneezing and sniffling!

  6. great job with the applique Kim! Hope your throat is better and don't forget that coat! Thanks for the info on the movies!

  7. I hope you get to feeling better! It's no fun being sick!

    I LOVE this quilt. I mean I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this quilt. I can't wait to see it all put together.

  8. I did have Martin Luther Kings day off and that is exactly why I did NOT work on my Hometown Christmas quilt OH and I still have company too. ROFLOL!!! Have ya been missing me??

  9. Do hope you feel better soon! It's turning out to be a lovely quilt!

  10. too cute, the presents are adorable, but even with a tired applique finger what about all the other lonely, giftless trees on this lovely quilt. \\

  11. Darn sinuses, throats and other parts that clog up! I have been sick for about 3 months. Just dripping sick, nothing serious. Probably because I am another one who doesn't wear a coat. I hate the bulkiness. So, when I go to the store the other day I told the gal at the register that it was cold outside (around zero) and she said, "yeah, and you have a sweatshirt on and no coat!". I'm still not going to wear a coat...I'm not, I'm not, I'm not!~

    Your quilt blocks are turning out GREAT! I can't wait to see your finished project. :)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!