Sunday, January 6, 2008

Checking In!

Thanks again for all of your well wishes. I'm feeling much better today! Yesterday I still had a nagging headache and body aches but nothing a little ibuprofen couldn't fix--well, ibuprofen and sewing therapy anyway!

I've begun taking down some of the Christmas decorations. Or maybe I should say MY HUSBAND has begun taking down some of the Christmas decorations. He's really done a bit more than I have, spending the day yesterday watching football and taking down the large tree and packing everything away. I've done a little directing--like telling him which things around the house can be packed away. I DO like to leave a few things up for awhile--those things that fit into the Winter/Valentine's Day theme.

Speaking of the Winter/Valentine's Day theme, I've been hard at work on my heart quilt, but I think I'll surprise you with it when it's done. I might just finish the top today sometime, depending on what else comes up requiring my attention.

I think I've decided that instead of making the Awakenings quilt for my brother and his wife for Christmas this year, I'll save it until next year and instead make them a picnic tote this year. The one I made my son's girlfriend turned out pretty cute, and I think my brother and his wife would enjoy it. I'm so tired of the pressure of having to get things done for Christmas that I think I'm rebelling a little bit on getting the Awakenings quilt done. Well, at least I can finish it in the next couple months and be ready with a one gift early next year! It's still on my list of things to get done soon, but I'm just not sure I can have it done by the end of the month, given the other projects on that list.

And speaking now of totes, today is my girl boss's 26th birthday, and I've made her a lunch tote with a couple napkins--I'll give it to her tomorrow. I really like this pattern--it's fun to make! It's by QuiltsIllustrated and I think it's just called Lunch Tote. I need to pick up more of the fusible interfacing when I go to the quilt shop for Thimbleberries Club this week--this is also something I plan to make as Christmas gifts next year, so I might as well get started on those too.

Our weather has cleared up a bit, although we're expecting rain on and off throughout the week. At least we won't get the high winds and pounding rain. Our garage roof still seems to be leaking, so we'll need to call the roofing people this week--and I suspect they're going to have a back log of customers, so we may need to wait awhile. As things go, though, a leak in the garage isn't too dire. There are still people here in Sacramento without power, and The Governator has declared Sacramento a disaster area. We have a lot of older trees at my office--it will be interesting to see how everything there weathered the storm when I go back to work tomorrow.

Time to head back to the Sweat Shop before the weekend gets away from me! Enjoy your day, whatever it may hold!


  1. That lunch tote is so cute, Kim, Your Girl Boss will love it. I'm sure your Brother and his wife will like it also. Could be used as a purse.

  2. I just love these little totes that you are making. They are such a great gift. I'm sure anyone would be pleased to recieve one. I hate being pressured in to making Christmas gifts, because I have a deadline, so I usually only get part of them done, or none at all.

  3. I wish I was your girl boss. That is a really nice tote. Great gift idea.

  4. What an adorable tote? Heck, I'd pack a lunch in that!

    I'm happy you're feeling better! Sewing is the balm that cures all illness!


  5. glad you are feeling better. that lunch tote is CUTE!
    Stay dry and get healthy!!!

  6. Ok, if you start NOW you can have mine finished by June. Get going, oh and I love Red or Pink. Glad your feeling better today.

  7. I spent Friday morning in bed here in Escalon (not sick-just tired) and watched outside as our 30 feet tall redwoods were swaying in all the wind. It did make me nervous and a couple of smaller branches broke. Luckily nothing else happened and we didn't lose power. I did really think that our fence would go also, but just few boards fell. I'm glad you are find

  8. Faaabulous lunch tote, Kim! I'll have to look for that pattern. I'm so glad you're feeling better, but so sorry you have to go back to work tomorrow!

  9. I'm glad you're feeling better!

    Love the tote - another cutie!

    I've been digging in boxes, unpacking, sorting, etc. I have a ton of T'berries fabric and my first thought was to send it all to you. Then reality hit - the shipping would be astronomical so I decided that when you come get your quilt you can take the fabric with you, too. LOL

  10. Love that lunch tote! And it's a great idea to make them for Christmas gifts. I actually think I've got a plan for all of the teacher/semi-distant family gifts for next year so I'm doing well. I've also got a pot of your soup recipie from a week or two back in the crock pot and some sewing planned for this afternoon -- oops, better get to it if I don't want it to be done tonight!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!