Friday, December 7, 2007

Tonight's Project

Either there's something wrong with Blogger or there's something wrong with Yahoo, because I've noticed in the last day or two that not all of the comments left on my blog are being delivered to my mailbox. Grrr! I thought it was just me, but my friend Eileen said she had a comment on her blog that didn't come into her mailbox either. I'm sorry if you'd left me a comment that I haven't acknowledged--particularly if you asked a question or are a new commentor to my blog. Hopefully whatever the problem is will be resolved soon.

Tonight I made out my list of Christmas gifts I'm planning to make, and boy is it a long one! I've been thinking I may need to cut back on my blogging a bit in order to get it all done. Also, since these things I'll be making are gifts, and some of my close friends and relatives read my blog, I can't show you what I'm making until after the holidays. I'm sure I'll be posting pretty regularly, but you might not hear from me every day unless I have something to say. Yeah, yeah, I know--lots of times I talk about nothing anyway! So maybe I WILL write every day. The point is, though, that if you don't hear from me for a day or two over the next couple weeks, don't worry--I'm just here, working away on my little projects.

Tonight's project I CAN show you though.

I sort of started this last year when I cut out the gingerbread men but that's as far as I got. I didn't really like the top I was going to put them on, so I just put them away. A few days ago when I was doing my shopping-spree thing, I bought a couple tops I thought would work well for decorating. I got out these gingerbread men and picked up some rick rack at the quilt shop last night and embellished to my heart's content tonight. I know someone will probably ask, so I'll tell you that no, I didn't have a pattern. I just made it up as I went. Try it--it's really not as hard as you might think. If you aren't sure how something's supposed to look, the internet is a great source. I often do a Yahoo search and click on the "images" tab to get lots of photos to inspire me.

Time to go to bed--one more day of work. Sure was nice of you to stop by and visit!


  1. Very cute! love the rick rack around the gingerbread men and of course love the quilt is is sitting on top of!

  2. Very cute, Kim, Since you are being CUTE this year. I bet you get plenty of comments today at work. LOL

  3. Those g'men are adorable! You can check this UFO off your list!! But about you talking about nothing -- think Seinfeld! It worked for him! LOL

  4. pretty cute, I still like your gift quilt the best! And for the record I think a picture of the inflatables collapsed would be much much funnier!

  5. It's the gingerbread time of year! They are adorable! And I love their funny faces! Can we get a pic of you wearing that?

  6. Cute gingerbread men! I love rickrack. I wasn't getting my blog comments delivered either, so it was Blogger's issue I guess, it seems to be fixed now.

  7. Ooooh -- love this shirt! As for working without a pattern -- nope, not THAT hard. I'm doing something now that is a "make it up as you go along" type deal. It's kind of freeing!

  8. Have you checked your Spam folder? For some reason, I've been findind comments in the Yahoo Spam Folder lately....

  9. Have you checked your Spam folder? For some reason, I've been findind comments in the Yahoo Spam Folder lately....

  10. That top turned out so sweet! Er, I mean, cute! There's something so endearing about gingerbread men - love the rick-rack!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!